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Metal plate style gear stick boot? Lambo style


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I think its called a H gate and I have been searching for over a year,

The USA 350 zed site had a picture of one that a guy made himself but it was very problematic and as such

had to have a raised platform with elongated gear lever for it to work.

You can buy the extention from ebay for about £22 and I have a Ferrari type round metal gear knob on mine.

All thats missing is the H Gate:(

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I really want one. Even if it was slightly wide in the channels, possibly even slightly domed, to reduce obstruction of the gear stick. I'd pay over 20 English pounds. It'd have to be a chrome finish, maybe brushed aluminium.

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I don't think its going to happen as just been reading up on another site and this is one of a few of the many negative comments.

"The gated shifter is part of the charm of motoring in many European sports cars, most of them have dropped the gate in favor of a tighter shift patern, I believe you'll find the Z patern too tight for a gate, it would be simple to machine a gate if the pattern were large enough"


Mind you where there is a will theres a way.

Simple enough to take the panel of and with my lever extension measure the movement.

And I am sure the guy that did manage to make one work for his Zed had to build up the base plate by about 1.5"

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  On 06/02/2013 at 22:34, SuperStu said:

I really want one. Even if it was slightly wide in the channels, possibly even slightly domed, to reduce obstruction of the gear stick. I'd pay over 20 English pounds. It'd have to be a chrome finish, maybe brushed aluminium.


£20 lol

stick another 0 on the end and you may be near the mark.

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