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medowhall retail park


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Hi everyone.




My friend sent me this yesturday




So thought id share. :teeth: ill be poping to it as i only live in chesterfield so not far.


I know the weather isnt the best but it could be a good plase to meet for people that arnt to far from medowhall. And could be a

regular place for people around chesterfield/sheffield to meet up in the summa

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Well I think the weather put off some people, only a few honda integras , focus st , focus rs and a couple of skodas.


I was talking to the guys at mcdonnalds ad they say it usually quite a busy night so hopfully nextmonth will be better.


So if anyone fancys it next moth ill begoing again.

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  On 26/02/2013 at 13:30, Dan2013 said:
Pretty new to the forum and just purchased my zed which should be ready for pick up tomorrow :) I'm from sheffield so if weathers good I may make it!


Nice one, the more zeds the merrier :D

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