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The Alsatian and the Mongrel....


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Two dogs in the vets, and the mongrel dog is sat in the waiting room sobbing, whimpering and crying his eyes out. The well groomed Alsatian turned and asked the mongrel what what he'd done wrong to be at the vets and sobbing his poor dog heart out. The dog replied, well, only yesterday I was snooping around in the back garden when the cat from next door slipped under the fence into my owners garden. The well groomed cat was sniffing around and whilst head down in the deep grass, her tail lifted and exposed her rear........ It'd been a while said the mongrel to the Alsatian, so I er..... well..... you know..... gave her one! The Alsatian said but why are you here at the vets sobbing? The dog replied, well the next door neighbour knocked on my owners front door and complained as they saw the whole escapade, so this is why I'm here, to have my bollox chopped off!


The Alsatian was sadened to his story and put his paw around the shoulder of the other dog.


The mongrel dog then asked the Alsatian why he was at the vets?


The Alsatian said, Well, I was just walking through the lobby of my rich beautiful owners house and thought I'd go lay down upstairs. My owner is a slim blonde very attractive lady and was just having a shower, and as I walked up the stairs she walked out of the steamy bathroom with her towel wrapped around her body, with the beading water running off her shoulders. Yeah go on said the Mongrel. Well as she came out of the bathroom her towel slipped from her body, and as the towel hit the floor she bent over to pick up the towel....., and well it's been a while said the Alsatian.... Bloody hell said the mongrel, but why aren't you upset, are you having your bollox chopped too?


No, said the Alsatian, I'm here to have my nails clipped!!!! :scare:


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