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CG-Lock anybody used one?


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After sliding into my foot-well in heavy braking zones i started searching for a solution and found this (it's the first pic i found... honest.)




The idea is that it holds the lap belt part in place so that you stay secure in your seat. It's completely removable and supposedly used by the stig when he does his TG lap times.


They're not cheap at around 40 quid but i think it could be a great compromise for a bit of extra holding in the seat without going for buckets and harnesses.


what are your thoughts?



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Have had them in the MR2, VXR, 350Z and I still use them in the 911, the current design is much better than the early ones.


They do hold your hips in and is much preferable to just the interia reel on its own, but they're not a patch on a proper harnesses.

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I used one for ages, it's especially good if you're doing any spirited driving, and I really liked the secure feeling it gave when you had no sliding room at all and were really tight with the car


However after using it all the time for about 2 years it fell apart - but I bought mine off fleabay so it wasn't new


Since then I've relied on 18st bulk simply wedging me into the shaped seats. . . .

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That'll be the older model I suspect, which wasn't great. The current (yellow) ones are much improved, but you do need to have a bit of care with them: After all, you wouldn't want to just let it go flying and take chunks out of the interior.

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