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MAF Cleaning


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Fitted "flyboy's" air box mod today, easy peasy to install. Anyway thought I'd clean the MAF while I was on but was surprised by the look of it. I'd expected to see a thin wire mounted across the pipe but its in fact an oblong shaped box assembly which juts out into the pipe with what looks like a diode exposed to the air flow. This " maf box" is open at one end and closed at the other ( thought the air was supposed to flow over it ?)

Anyway if anyone has cleaned this I'd appreciate your putting my mind at rest by telling me its ok to spray it with my new can of MAF cleaning spray.

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i'm not sure contact cleaner is as good as carb cleaner. carb cleaner is designed for the carbon buildup and oily crap found in an engine. contact cleaner is basically for light grease on exposed metal contacts. and as the MAF is resin encased i'm not sure its the best choice.

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Depends how much crap in their, if there's loads of oil and stuff a) i'd be worried about the functionality of the filter and B) i'd use something a bit tougher. But for general quick cleans and getting rid of any tiny bits of debris, fluff and grime etc the contact cleaner will do the job.

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You spray the diode, yes. Just be very very very very careful with it, they're not the hardest things in the world to break if you start poking them.


What spray are you using out of interest?


I'm using CRC MAF cleaner.thanks all for your input I'll give it a clean this morning

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i'm not sure contact cleaner is as good as carb cleaner. carb cleaner is designed for the carbon buildup and oily crap found in an engine. contact cleaner is basically for light grease on exposed metal contacts. and as the MAF is resin encased i'm not sure its the best choice.



Carb cleaner would be fine but it's quite aggreasive and the maf is delicate. Also treacly the worst thing on the maf should be a light grease. If you got carbon on your maf you have bigger problems :lol: they both work though.

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Job done. The car's done about 56k now but the MAF looked very clean. The diode looking device must be a thermistor. I was expecting to see a fine wire. Also there didn't appear to be any obviouse air path across the device as the front was open exposing the diode looking device to the air intake flow but the back of it is closed?

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While your mooching about in that area its not a bad idea to inspect the throttle body at the top of the air intake pipe - be very gentle cleaning it though or you'll have to do the reset procedure which I believe is a bit fiddly.


They can get really crapped up if the filter hasn't been doing its job or an aftermarket one has been over oiled.

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While your mooching about in that area its not a bad idea to inspect the throttle body at the top of the air intake pipe - be very gentle cleaning it though or you'll have to do the reset procedure which I believe is a bit fiddly.


They can get really crapped up if the filter hasn't been doing its job or an aftermarket one has been over oiled.


Do they not get oiled up becaus of the pcv?

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While your mooching about in that area its not a bad idea to inspect the throttle body at the top of the air intake pipe - be very gentle cleaning it though or you'll have to do the reset procedure which I believe is a bit fiddly.


They can get really crapped up if the filter hasn't been doing its job or an aftermarket one has been over oiled.


Do they not get oiled up becaus of the pcv?


Dunno mate - never heard of a pcv but I was told when Carla's looked a bit mucky that I'd probably over oiled the popcharger.


Perhaps both?

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While your mooching about in that area its not a bad idea to inspect the throttle body at the top of the air intake pipe - be very gentle cleaning it though or you'll have to do the reset procedure which I believe is a bit fiddly.


They can get really crapped up if the filter hasn't been doing its job or an aftermarket one has been over oiled.


I doubt it would be an over oiled filter tbh as before your throttle body got dirty your maf would probably have a hissy fit. The pcv takes oil fumes from the crankcase.


Do they not get oiled up becaus of the pcv?


Dunno mate - never heard of a pcv but I was told when Carla's looked a bit mucky that I'd probably over oiled the popcharger.


Perhaps both?

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