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LOL. With you lot bickering, I feel like I'm going off topic with my response, where actually 'm just answering the OP.


I normally get bored with my cars after about 9 months, to the point its rare I actually MOT a car (buy it with 12 months, part ex it with 2-3).


But I've had my Zed for nearly a year now and have no intention of getting rid. I thought I 'd buy a car that I was happy with in standard spec and wouldn't want to enhance in any way, shape or form. Then I went to my first meet. Uh oh.


Zeditis soon bit me and I started messing with little bits n' pieces. Nothing major yet, but this is soon gonna change with new wheels and other goodies. I figured the money I spend/lose on every car I buy, I can now spend on a car I love and intend on keeping.

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I personally feel that its fast enough, I keep looking at faster things that lack in other areas or have signifactly higher running costs or dont look or feel as special IMO like s2k, cayman, m3 etc etc.One day i WILL own these cars but atm the zed is keeping me very happy.

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Dblock, have to say the S2k was a step up from the zed, i know i seem to go against the grain, but the feedback and responsiveness made it great to drive.


I dont doubt that like I said I want to try all the cars. Might like it, might hate etc but its only a car and I can sell it and keep the experiace. I find myself looking at other cars when Im bored and on the pc but really Im happy with the zed.

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I would try an s2000 if I could actually get into one :surrender:


must admit being just under 5'10, means i can drive almost anything, however my ever increasing wasit band might stop me. luckily i've started to do something to combat monsoir belly.

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Bought my Zed August '05.........7 and1/2 yrs ago!

Still love it to bits despite it being my daily driver.

I don't just drive it.

It's almost as if I wear it.....kinda like A...FULL...METAL...JACKET


This is MY zed.

There are many like it......but this one is MINE.

My zed is my best friend.

It is my life.

I must master it....as i must master my life.

Without me.....my zed is useless.

Without my zed....I am useless.

I must steer my zed true.

Imust drive better than my enemy who is trying to overtake me.

........AMEN :lol:

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Had my current zed 2 years, and the zed before that just under 3 years. Its a combination of the car being great to own/drive, and this forum too which keeps me interested. I'll be keeping mine indefinitely. :)


Seeing yours in my mirror on the Silk Road, made me wish I hadn't sold mine :lol:


Owned 2 years

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I find myself looking at other cars when Im bored and on the pc but really Im happy with the zed.


I'm exactly the same. I've had mine 2 years almost to the day - the longest i have ever owned a car. I always find myself wanting for something a bit more exotic or edgy. But when i look at what is available for the same price of the Z it still seems to win all round.


I have been looking into an S2000 a lot recently but i think i would miss the torque / noise of the V6. Also the Z feels a lot nicer when i just want to get somewhere in the pouring rain.

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Bought my first zed 2.5 years ago, loved it so much i bought another 6 months ago. Looked at other cars when i was changing but nothing really did it for me and as others have said the forum and the friends you make play a big part in the fun of ownership

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