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on crutches - bored stiff already!


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had a knee operation yesterday and am now on crutches and have 4 weeks off work. I'm bored stiff already! I can't even spend too long on here because I don't have a laptop and I can't really bend my leg enough yet to sit on the chair at the desk! Help!

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Just when I thought I was going to go bonkers, my other half has bought his work laptop in which has a 3g connection (god knows how this works) so I'm now leg up on the sofa, top gear on the tv and connected to the world again! Knee looks like a zepellin but never mind! :thumbs:

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trust me you wouldn't want to see it or kiss it better! When i took the bandage off it had so much dried blood on it it was rock hard, I can't bath or shower for 10 days, my leg looks like it's got gout and I generally feel and look like a dog!

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i've had a second arthroscopy (last one was 7 yrs ago on the same knee), camera in the knee, cartilidge trimmed and a lateral release of my knee cap which means they've snipped away at the area at the side of my knee cap to release it a bit. I'm in a bit of a state really, still can't walk without crutches or my knee just gives way but I was only supposed to use them for 2 or 3 days. Physio on Thursday so hopefully they will tell me what to do!

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