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New to scene from sunny North Devon

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Hello Boys and Girls I'm from sunny North Devon and I'm not a nobhead. I'm hoping to get more knowledge about those stunning machines and shortly become an owner for the second time.I do know how to use forums etc so I will try to use search button and all..


I owned Zed few years back (2008/09) she was a lovely grey import 2004 but brick wall parked in her front bumper and passenger side while I was "professionally" drifting on a roundabout ;) So you still don't know why insurance companies are so expensive well its because people like me, sorry.


I'm all grown up now so in search for another Lady Z :)



Kind Regards



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I'm not a spastic or a nobhead........

but brick wall parked in her front bumper and passenger side while I was "professionally" drifting on a roundabout ;)....

So you still don't know why insurance companies are so expensive well its because people like me, sorry........

I'm all grown up now so in search for another Lady Z :)......


:welcome: I think....and stand by to repel all borders

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