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White lines


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Bloody Birmingham Council workers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I was in Brum this morning for an early meeting and when I was driving out I came to a couple of guys repainting the white lines in the middle of the road. I was ushered across into the right hand lane (to overtake the large truck which was following them) and then back again before the workers. Well, do I have to say more, you can imagine what happened.......on driving over the white paint it is on my tyres and inner wheel arch :scare:


Why do this on a Monday morning is my first gripe and why usher people across the white paint you have just painted!!! :rant:


The paint is not normal stuff either it is more like intumescent expanding foam, the fire retardant stuff. Anyway, having only just washed the car late Sunday afternoon I not have to do a mid week wash as well and it won't be a two minute job to get this stuff off. :thumbdown:


Why is it than whenever I get my zed looking really good something happens the next day? A pigeon emptied its @rse over it last Monday!!!!!!!!!!!

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I'm NOT happy about it I'm thinking of writing the Birmingham City Council for whatever good that will do!


If any of you come across something similar and you are ushered across the newly painted white lines flick them the bird and take a detour

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Bad news that Mini man. I'll wager that gear is a bitch to get off!!!!

If its made to stick to tarmac in all weathers then I'm sure it will be ni on impossible to get off your wheels.


If it doesn't write to your council and get them to pay for a full valet......or a new set of tyres....

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I'm thinking Small Claims court. The facts speak for themselves - for you to have been able to get the paint on the car the council workers have been negligent. All you would need to do is establish that the paint came from there and no other source. Don't back down and take it all the way. :thumbs:

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Personally, I think you won't get jack, and wouldn't bother, it's impossible to prove, but its your time


I don't agree, Marc. It's not criminal law - he only has to prove things on the balance of probabilities i.e. what's more likely than not. It will depend on the cost to put right and the demands on Mini's time as to whether it's worth pursuing.


Feel free to chat it over with me in Wales, Mini. :)

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Personally, I think you won't get jack, and wouldn't bother, it's impossible to prove, but its your time


I don't agree, Marc. It's not criminal law - he only has to prove things on the balance of probabilities i.e. what's more likely than not. It will depend on the cost to put right and the demands on Mini's time as to whether it's worth pursuing.


Feel free to chat it over with me in Wales, Mini. :)


Digsy you ambulance chaser :p

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Personally, I think you won't get jack, and wouldn't bother, it's impossible to prove, but its your time


I don't agree, Marc. It's not criminal law - he only has to prove things on the balance of probabilities i.e. what's more likely than not. It will depend on the cost to put right and the demands on Mini's time as to whether it's worth pursuing.


Feel free to chat it over with me in Wales, Mini. :)


Digsy you ambulance chaser :p


Hey, no money in this one for me mate. Just trying to help out. :thumbs:


I need an injury or at least £5k in financial losses to get paid! ;)

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Personally, I think you won't get jack, and wouldn't bother, it's impossible to prove, but its your time


I don't agree, Marc. It's not criminal law - he only has to prove things on the balance of probabilities i.e. what's more likely than not. It will depend on the cost to put right and the demands on Mini's time as to whether it's worth pursuing.


Feel free to chat it over with me in Wales, Mini. :)


Digsy you ambulance chaser :p


Hey, no money in this one for me mate. Just trying to help out. :thumbs:


I need an injury or at least £5k in financial losses to get paid! ;)


His zed has been injured :p

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I'm thinking Small Claims court. The facts speak for themselves - for you to have been able to get the paint on the car the council workers have been negligent. All you would need to do is establish that the paint came from there and no other source. Don't back down and take it all the way. :thumbs:


....and that, ladies and gentlemen, is why your council tax increases year on year :yawn:


...granted - it's a pain in the ass but no long lasting damage - move on with yer life!

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If the council got decent value for money and quality workmanship then the problem would not have existed in the first place.


The reason council taxes increase is because year after year the companies that are subcontracted by the councils realise they can get away with blue murder as regards charges for council work.


Four men to dig a hole with one shovel sound familiar. - Thats what I passed on my way to work today. one guy with a pnuematic drill, and three others stood watching - to replace one manhole cover. Brilliant!

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I'm thinking Small Claims court. The facts speak for themselves - for you to have been able to get the paint on the car the council workers have been negligent. All you would need to do is establish that the paint came from there and no other source. Don't back down and take it all the way. :thumbs:


....and that, ladies and gentlemen, is why your council tax increases year on year :yawn:




Its because they get away with everything they do. If he manages to get his right in small claims court they might think twice next time when doing the road, before 100 other people do the same after finding out the judge had the council pay for damages.

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