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Watch out


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Woah, gutted for your mate, you'd never expect it with so many people around but I guess thats what they prey on. Fekin mindless scum :rant::rant:


Warning to us all definitely.


On the point of the car being found quite close, this is getting more common - my mate recently had his A3 3.2 nicked and got it back the next day as it was found within a mile of his house. The police said that as its getting more common for cars to be fitted with trackers what they are doing is robbing the cars and parking them up pretty near. They then watch them over a few days and if the motor doesn't move they can be confident theres no tracker on it so go back.

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Woah, gutted for your mate, you'd never expect it with so many people around but I guess thats what they prey on. Fekin mindless scum :rant::rant:


Warning to us all definitely.


On the point of the car being found quite close, this is getting more common - my mate recently had his A3 3.2 nicked and got it back the next day as it was found within a mile of his house. The police said that as its getting more common for cars to be fitted with trackers what they are doing is robbing the cars and parking them up pretty near. They then watch them over a few days and if the motor doesn't move they can be confident theres no tracker on it so go back.


Well the guy who rang my mate complaining did say he noticed two guys kept driving past watching it?

But then again they did dump it in a funny place causing a slight blockage in the road, so it was bound to get noticed by somebody.


Anyway, from what i've heard the car is in good condition. They didn't nick his new top either but still not sure if they took his keys and wallet.

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Woah, gutted for your mate, you'd never expect it with so many people around but I guess thats what they prey on. Fekin mindless scum :rant::rant:


Warning to us all definitely.


On the point of the car being found quite close, this is getting more common - my mate recently had his A3 3.2 nicked and got it back the next day as it was found within a mile of his house. The police said that as its getting more common for cars to be fitted with trackers what they are doing is robbing the cars and parking them up pretty near. They then watch them over a few days and if the motor doesn't move they can be confident theres no tracker on it so go back.


Well the guy who rang my mate complaining did say he noticed two guys kept driving past watching it?

But then again they did dump it in a funny place causing a slight blockage in the road, so it was bound to get noticed by somebody.


Anyway, from what i've heard the car is in good condition. They didn't nick his new top either but still not sure if they took his keys and wallet.


How did the guy get your mate's number?

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He had some "For Sale" signs up as he was selling it.


My mate doesn't sound like he wants the car back. He was getting anxious being passenger in my car.


Ah, that makes sense. Pretty stupid of them to leave the signs in! :wacko:


It's far too early for your mate to be making any decisions about the car etc. Anyone would be shaken up and anxious after what he's been through. Keep an eye on him for week or two and if he's not getting any better persuade him to see his GP and ask for some counselling. It sounds rubbish but he may have post traumatic stress disorder and counselling can help nip it in the bud before it sets in. It can be very effective for my clients.

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I think he's probably more anxious of the fact that the car may be damaged and he's trying to sell it.


On the other hand he could be freaked out. Anyone who's ever had their house broken into will understand. Many people cant go back or stay over in the house again.




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I think he's probably more anxious of the fact that the car may be damaged and he's trying to sell it.


On the other hand he could be freaked out. Anyone who's ever had their house broken into will understand. Many people cant go back or stay over in the house again.





Sorry, I took it to mean that he was being freaked by being driven, which might not be surprising after being attacked in that way.

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I think he's probably more anxious of the fact that the car may be damaged and he's trying to sell it.


On the other hand he could be freaked out. Anyone who's ever had their house broken into will understand. Many people cant go back or stay over in the house again.





Sorry, I took it to mean that he was being freaked by being driven, which might not be surprising after being attacked in that way.


I can understand both your views but its mainly to do with him feeling unsafe and that he could get hi-jacked again. Obviously it would be easier to get an insurance payout but i don't think he's too bothered about that at the moment he's still shook up. Like i say, he's still unsure on whether he wants it back but it will come down to how he feels when he gets it back. I know he's mentioned that if he does get it back he will probably knock a few grand off and just get rid of it.

I must admit, after someone drove head on into me i've always felt insecure in a passeneger seat and this happened over a year ago now. I don't know why that is but i can only reckon its because im not in control.

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My neck of the woods :scare:


That's not far from me either...


To be honest I don't reckon the Zed is in the same 'stealability' league as the Focus RS (and Scooby, Evo etc.) I mean, what could you actually do with it? It would be useless as a ramraiding tool, and uttery pointless as a getaway car. You can't even stick 4 mates in it and hoon around town...


Stolen to order is more likely I guess :scare:


Can you not :p

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