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moving the ESP switch next to the heated seats switch


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I'm wondering if anyone has tried this before and if so with any success. I find it a bit of a pain in the arse having to look down to switch off the ESP switch and was wondering how difficult it would be to transfer the switch to the blank of the seat heater bank. if i could find a switch with a similar sort of stiffness so it could not be turned on/off accidently just like the seat heater switches. If this is not suitable to have the switch placed by the seat heater switches then maybe i could find somewhere else on the dash.

Has anybody tried this? or placed the switch somewhere more accessible on the dash?

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Yes it can be done, simply extend the wiring from the current switch location and swap the traction switch for the blank as they fix / clip into place the same. Does mean you would have to cut the plug off at the back of the switch though.

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MR35LEE, many thanks, electrics have never been my strong point, but this sees to make perfect sense and will stop me fromm scratting about looking for the relevant switch. I'm really surprised Nissan put the switch in such a daft place, Looks like thats a job for tomorrow sorted out then. Thanks.

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I've never accidently switched on the heated seat switches that was why i mentioned using the blank on the bank of heated seat switches. I wouldn't be able to use an air fighter style swiych in that position as i;d have nowhere to rest my left elbow, the switch would just get in the way and become a pain in the arse for other reasons If i were yo use an air fighter style switch then i'd definately would have to mount the switch on the dash somewhere. This may be easier in some respects from a wiring point of view, but i'd rather use the blank that is already there rather than drilling holes in the dash.

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The ESP switch is easily moved to any position on the car, however Nissan positioned the switch there for a reason, mainly so that you do not accidently trip the switch.

IMHO in the interests of safety, best leave it where it is.

As an extreme example, on numerous occasions, I have came out to my Roadster (with the roof down) and found that my hazards were on.

It took me ages to trace the issue, only to find one day muddy cat paw prints around the switch area.


Alex. :)

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The ESP switch is easily moved to any position on the car, however Nissan positioned the switch there for a reason, mainly so that you do not accidently trip the switch.

IMHO in the interests of safety, best leave it where it is.

As an extreme example, on numerous occasions, I have came out to my Roadster (with the roof down) and found that my hazards were on.

It took me ages to trace the issue, only to find one day muddy cat paw prints around the switch area.


Alex. :)


Your fault for having a cat back exhaust :lol:


I will get my coat :tumbleweed:

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