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Spam/Virus UPS Quantum Mail (look out)


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Here's some further info on it....



Fake Alert Trojan disguised as a UPS Quantum View Notification


There is a new variant of the Fake Alert Trojan making the rounds that is disguised as what appears to be a legitimate UPS Quantum View shipping status update Notification.


While the spam associated with it appears to be random, it may be targeting primarily email addresses with business extensions. Rather than having the more common infected attachment, this email has an embedded URL link, that when clicked on, takes you to a web site that installs the Trojan virus on your computer.


If you have up-to-date Anti-Virus software, it should be picking-off the virus. Depending on your settings, it should either be quarantining or deleting the email. This should be considered your first line of defense. However, if you normally receive legitimate UPS Quantum notifications, you can also do the following to help further protect yourself against an infection:


You can set your mail client to not automatically open any mail when viewed. This means that you would have to double-click on it to open it and actually read it..

You can set-up a separate email folder and establish mail rule that allows routing of all UPS source mails (including spoofed mails) to this specific folder.

If you suspect that the mail may not be legitimate mail, you can access your custom folder, and then do a single left-mouse-click on the mail entry, and then view the properties (to determine if the sources is actually spoofed). If desired, the suspect mail can then be deleted without having physically opened it or having clicked on the embedded link.

If you need assistance with configuring the above solution, or if you need assistance with updating your Anti-Virus software, please contact the CCS Retail Systems Support Department.

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No offence mate, but these things are hardly rare: I must get 10 a day, and they've been going for years now. Tbh unless you're a 100 year old using a computer for the very first time, no-one should be falling for this kind of stuff anymore and if you do, then you probably deserve it.


The thought behind the post is good, but if we all did it then there'd be nothing else but virus warnings on the board! :lol:

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Maybe you surf too much porn to get 10 a day, because that's the first one that I've ever come across, in fact I never get crap mails like this, and I've got 8 mail accounts that I manage.


I wish that I had one of those Nigerian million pound mails, everyone else gets them bar me :thumbdown:

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I expect I would be blase` about such things If I received 10 of these things a day and gratefully my email set-up (by someone expert in IT rather than me :blush: ) has kept such crap out of my business email along the lines mentioned in Wasso's post.


But I for one (and believe it or not I'm just a few years off a 100 :surrender: ) am glad to get the heads-up, just in case I got too blase` about my anti-virus software dealing wth this stuff.

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I refuse to believe that neither of you were familiar with spam emails containing viruses in the attachments before today. It's not AV software that catches this, it's common sense. Not opening attachments where you don't know the sender is the first rule of email, and has been in place for at least 10 years now.

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But if you are someone who has received goods via UPS in the past and used their tracking processes and are busy ordering stuff for Christmas on-line - having the heads up from Wasso is something I personally would rather have, than not.

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But if you are someone who has received goods via UPS in the past and used their tracking processes and are busy ordering stuff for Christmas on-line - having the heads up that Wasso is something I personally would rather have, than not.




I order from America, and who's to say that I had an outstanding invoice or delivery notification.


So from your statement Ekona if I don't know who UPS is I should ignore the mail. Well that's British Gas ignored and Sky....


At least I've been helpful enough to anyone who 'may' not be as super clever as you with computers and viruses.



Tbh unless you're a 100 year old using a computer for the very first time, no-one should be falling for this kind of stuff anymore and if you do, then you probably deserve it.



I know a few people on here who hate computers, so are you saying they deserve it?



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