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Jag V8 Engine work and detail


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For the last 2 months the engine hasn't bee running as smooth as i'd like, added to that the fact that the timing chains and tensioners had never been replaced it was about time the engine saw some TLC and a bit of an upgrade. and it was making some noises it shouldn't have been,. she was also pissing oil on to the manifolds, had a hissing noise, and no power under 2k revs. some of these i already knew the cause to but others i was not so sure.


so this was the engine bay at the startof the job; not into bad a shape but not as clean as it could have been




So the first job was to strip down the engine so all parts were accessable and work could commence.


first job was the spark covers coolant hoses and air filter and pipe




next was all 8 of the coil packs and the rocker covers, at the same time Tony was also removing the belts and chains





you can see he old lower SC pulley as well as where all the belts and pulleys were




once that was all off the supercharger came out, its an absolute pig as the inductionelbow at the back of the engine has to come off but its an arse of a job, so i was glad tony was doing that.




once off i could check the standard of the Supercharger, and thankfully it was all looking good. if a little oily




with those off it was time to take the charge coolers off, which are very easy, compared to everything else.




Tony then re fitted the new tensions and chains in record time. (he's done it so often i think he can do it with his eyes shut. basically i had the version 2 set. which were part plastic and part metal. the plastic degrades over time and bang it all comes apart. i now have the new version 4 set in there. which are actually off the new 2012 XK and they are all metal. they aren't supposed to fit, but the jag guys have modified them for the older engine.




this should mean the engine is good for many more miles now.


so before we put the engine back together i decided it was a great time to paint stuff so it was time to strip the old paint off




and thats basically where i go to with the guys at paragon design before i had to go and catch my train home. and left the car in their capable hands.





So thursday comes around and i get a call from tony, i can;t collect today as we need some new parts that we weren;t expecting. but on the good side we worked out where the annoying hissng was coming from.


basically they had refitted it all, took it for a test run, and the charge coolers weren;'t cooling, in fact they were very hot, which is not good. it turns out the coolant ump for the super charger wasn;t working properly. but thankfully tony took his uprated performance one off his car and fitted it to mine.


next issue was it seems the MAF had failed and not the HO2 that i thought. so when i got up their on friday, tony and i were ringing round our contacts to see if we could get one in ASAP. sadly we couldn't get one today, so i had to drive very gently home on my dodgy maf. but tony has sorted a new MAF for collection from Jaguar tomorrow morning for on my way up to york.. so happy days.



so on to the good news my engine was back together and it looked something like this.








This is my new ally dipstick



my new oil cap



my new water cap



and the real carbon and the fake carbon don;t look bad sat next to each other either




Now i got home as the light was failing so these aren;t the best phone pictures, but it gives a good idea. but the guys have used jaguar Amaranth purple paint which is very high in metallic content so in the light it looks very nice.



I still need to add in the lettering to the coil pack covers, i need to cut them first, just got to decide if i use silver or chrome.


and i also forgot to take a picture of my new hood lining, i know it sounds sad, but i think you guys would really like it. its quite special.



anyways, i know its not Zed related, but i thought you lot might enjoy all the pictures. and i'll try and add some more when i get my good camera out and some decent light

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Hurray, it's finally fixed! Or at least it will be when the MAF is done, good work mate. :)


Not keen on the carbon fibre at all, but the purple looks lovely and a much better idea than some of the brighter colours you were looking at. Top job I reckon.

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  On 02/11/2012 at 19:50, glrnet said:

Nice work Rich, looks luverly, i have only one thing to say................... SILVER :clap::thumbs:


may well be just need to do a match up in daylight to see if it works properly


  On 02/11/2012 at 20:05, ddcboyle said:

Very nice :) you got much plans for it yet?


Currently running carbon airbox, Bigger super charger pulley, High flow cats, and a sports exhaust, next job is fix the rust :lol:


  On 02/11/2012 at 21:46, Ekona said:

Hurray, it's finally fixed! Or at least it will be when the MAF is done, good work mate. :)


Not keen on the carbon fibre at all, but the purple looks lovely and a much better idea than some of the brighter colours you were looking at. Top job I reckon.


Its never fixed, its the law of jaguar, when one thing is fixed, something else breaks. :blush: but yes it has re instilled confidence in the engine now the tensioners have been done.


  On 02/11/2012 at 22:23, Ricey said:

Beauuuuuutiful me likely.


Out of interest have you ever experienced the full power of the car with it having all those issues? Is it going to be like getting a massive power upgrade?


its run fine most of the time, just have different issues. at differnet times, but with the new pulley in place apparently it renders sport mode unneccassary. so i'm excited to find out what sport mode is going to be like, as i might need some baby wipes; for when i follow through. i'll let you know when i get back from york.


  On 02/11/2012 at 22:36, leonk said:

Looking very nice indeed :thumbs: just glad mines a lot simpler though :p


its not as bad as it looks, and its about the third time i've stripped it back that far, so i'm getting good at it, but it makes a huge difference with the likes of tony doing it as he knows the cars insideout.


  On 02/11/2012 at 23:00, evilscorp said:

B) great work, looks even more of a pain to work on than a Z. :blush:


For such a big engine bay, you'd think there would be loads of room round the engine. but its been shoe horned in. you basically need the hands of a small child to work on the car. lots of extender bars, and flexi joints on tools.

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Looking good. What's the advantage of the mk4 tensioners , I thought the mk3 were all metal ad well ? Have you had the carpets up yet ? One of the ones I looked at had pretty bad rust on the transmission tunnel.


Have always loved these cars so enjoy your updates

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