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Squeaky Belts


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Started to get a squeak from my belts a few weeks ago,and this has now turned into a full on high pitch screech when i fire the car up for the first time,and last a few minutes before it stops. The belts are only a year old,(Gates from Alex). Its started to do it on fire up even when the car is warm now too,and is pretty annoying,especially for the road i live in at 5.30 when i sometimes go to work.

Iv got a set of AMS LW pulleys on there,which were fitted at the same time as the belts. Is it worth getting the belts tightened up,or should i replace with new ones now that the current ones are obviously stretched abit? Also,someone mentioned to me the other day that they had heard of super sticky belts being fitted to cars with ally pulleys,is this just rubbish,or do such things exist?

Edited by Daryl
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You lot jinxed me.

Replaced my belts with Gates ones few months ago as old ones were cracking.

Squealing like an old jalopy this week on start up:(

Very embarrassing when people stare with disapproval!



Probably just requires tightening.


New belts can tend to squeak once they have been ran in. A little tightening should solve it :)

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Just done mine,seems to have fixed the squeaking now. The larger belt was pretty slack,the smaller one slightly less so. Really easy to do,needed a breaker bar to slacken the pulley bolts,but once that was done,was a quick job. Hopefully thats the end of it for a while now.

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Just done mine,seems to have fixed the squeaking now. The larger belt was pretty slack,the smaller one slightly less so. Really easy to do,needed a breaker bar to slacken the pulley bolts,but once that was done,was a quick job. Hopefully thats the end of it for a while now.


Good news :thumbs:

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Just done mine,seems to have fixed the squeaking now. The larger belt was pretty slack,the smaller one slightly less so. Really easy to do,needed a breaker bar to slacken the pulley bolts,but once that was done,was a quick job. Hopefully thats the end of it for a while now.


Good news :thumbs:


Got to be honest,didnt do the how rule and thumb thing,and now abit worries that i may have over tightened them. Both belts have abit of slack in them,not mega tight,but thinking that i should go out and loosen them abit.

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