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In short, looks like a family member has been ripped off by a rogue trader - visited elderly relative, took money and never came back.


My Mrs wanted to get them round to ours to corner them about it.


I said bad idea you don't know how they'll react and future ramifications etc, she said I was a whimp (nice).


She has now (under my advice) contacted trading standards and they've told her the correct way to address it.


Don't get me wrong I want it sorted but I am right aren't I in terms of not confronting them? At the end of the day I'm more worried about my family's safety than I am in getting £50 back.

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If it was £1000's of pound the guy would crushing for a bruising. £50 id leave it tbh.


Flexib "I'm more worried about my family's safety than I am in getting £50 back"

if that's all you're really talking about, i'd put my hand in my pocket go round to the elderly relative and say you "persuaded" the guy to give the money back, please don't talk to strangers again. you're a hero and the elderly relative has the money back and no retributions!

Edited by leonk
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If it was £1000's of pound the guy would crushing for a bruising. £50 id leave it tbh.


Flexib "I'm more worried about my family's safety than I am in getting £50 back"

if that's all you're really talking about, i'd put my hand in my pocket go round to the elderly relative and say you "persuaded" the guy to give the money back, please don't talk to strangers again. you're a hero and the elderly relative has the money back and no retributions!


Fellas I agree 100%.


Thank you all!!

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Definitely right to go about this the legit way. Even removing the fact that you don't know what this guy will do if confronted, you could well invalidate any legal standing you do have by doing/saying the wrong thing and creating a loophole for him to wriggle through.


That said, as above if it was just £50 my action would be to chalk it down to expeirence and move on, but if you don't feel that's financially appropriate for your relatives then I think leonk's idea is a good one. Depending on how far it goes you could cause yourself waaaaay more than £50's worth of hassle even if you end up winning.


Good luck and hope you sort it :thumbs:



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If it was £1000's of pound the guy would crushing for a bruising. £50 id leave it tbh.


It wont take long for a few £50's to make up £1000's, I would do something about it now and try to stop them doing it to someone else. £50 is a lot of money to some people.


Trading Standards is the right way to go however appealing battering them is

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