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Vlad's Supercharged 350Z - pg20 Banzai Mag Feature


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  On 20/08/2013 at 20:11, The Chubby Ninja said:
  On 20/08/2013 at 20:07, octet said:

I've been listening Russian Hip Hop lately, we need to talk! :lol: :lol:



:lol: :lol: even I don't listen to that sh*t...well, not any more :lol:

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  • 3 weeks later...

suprised mr Keyser haven't posted anything on here yet :lol:


Right then ladies and gents... 7 weeks later supercharger is fitted and car is running nicely on base map!

But it wasnt all as simple as it sounds!

1stly - the tool (can't call him otherwise) I bought my kit from - didn't include all bits with it... like oil feed and t-piece adapter, oil drain, right bolts, spacers that go inbetween S/c bracket and engine, belts etc etc etc! so 2 day job took 7 weeks(i was away for 2 weeks in the middle lol) as you dont really realise whats missing untill you start putting it all up!

So after running around on days off and inbetween jobs on working days, thanks to others I managed to source/fabricate everything I need!

So put everything in...had massive fuel leak at the injectors..after taking it on and putting everything back on for 2 days - solved that issues...fuel pressure set to 42psi and it stayed there after ignition was switched off! Tick!

So fitted most of it...went on holiday..came back and fitted the rest!

Since I'm running 850cc injectors and not 725/750 that Mark@Abbey prefers, we decided on doing a data log mapping...he sent me a cable with a map to start the car and then we had to adjust it so car runs smooth. BUT... big BUT!...

Started engine fine with half a turn...it ran for 2 secs and slowly died! So tried another map as we thought its either running to reach or to lean....6 maps later -does exact same thing... then Mark finished for the day...so i decided to do few thing

Change fuel rails from cosworth to stock - no joy

Took out spark plugs, cleanned, dried, put back in -no joy

Cleanned maf sensor - no joy

Gone dark - so i went to sleep being very unhappy!

In the morning spoke to Mark, decided to put stock injectors back in with stock maf - still does same thing...

Tried few more maps - no joy!

Spoke with Chris/Keyser (for a 878456823489179th time) - in the middle he mentionned that may be throttle body not openning enough... so i took charge pipe off where it connects it to TB and moved TB valve with my finger(i know i know-not supposed to do that)..then got my mate to start the car with pipe still disconnected so i can see if valve opens etc and car started and ran abslutely fine! Woohhooo I thought to my self...

Put big injectors back in and GT maf... car wouldnt ran... disconnect GT maf -runs perfect!

Swapped GT maf for spare one -still same... tried many many many other thing (2 days from 8am till 8pm with no breaks) couldnt configure out why it runs fine with maf disconnected...and dies after 2 secs if its connected...

Few more calls to Mark, few more maps...few more calls to Keyser and trying different things...nothing would work....even tried leaving one maf inside the housing (so there is no hole) and connecting my 2nd maf sensor just dangling in the air under the bonner -wouldnt work!

Then I had bright moment...and realised that i hate (not really) Octet and his 1 piece charge pipe... as its fits both ways... so i had it fitted wrong way around so maf sensor was facing wrong way inside the pipe :bang: :bang: Yes.... you can call me any names you wish, i will agree with you! Chris/Keyser already had a joy of dong that :D

So flicked it back around proper way, everything connected, loaded middle map - car runs like a beauty! idles nicely at just above 1k rpm with AFR inbetween 11-13!

Shame that Mark is finished for today and off tomorrw so I cant get proper base map untill monday now :(

But I'm happy! Got weekend off to double check everything, tighten everything up and so on!

Massive thanks to Chris/Keyser for a phone support non-stop for 2 days and even offering to come up at weekend if its still not running! What a legend that bloke is! :thumbs: :thumbs:

And of cource massive thanks to Mark@Abbey for patience and 10 or 11 different maps :D

And I'm sorry for being so stupid... 5mins mistake turned out to be 2 days of trying to configure out whats wrong and wasting other people's time :(


Pics to follow :teeth:

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:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:


She's a runner :yahoo:



I suppose you don't want to pay me £100 to come and trailer it away now? :lol: You know I would have (just to help out)



Don't be so hard on yourself you just fitted a full SC kit, fuel return etc with virtually no instructions and had to work out what was missing for yourself! :notworthy:


I say bloody well done :thumbs:


Hope the tune goes well and you get your figures.


Always here - if you need anything else just call :)




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Hate reading other people's builds!? Are u taking the p*ss? :lol: you just bought one of most amazing exhausts and awesome wheels...haha I hate you for that :lol: As I'm currently browsing for that exhaust and I'm sooo broke after this s/c build that I shouldn't be looking at any parts for next few months lol

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Thanks mate!

And when fitted it - noticed a little difference + made it a bit stiffer to change! My mate got in the car today and he said straight away "you got a short shifter..." So he noticed it straight away without even driving Z before lol

Say it that way - I wouldn't spend loads on it...mine came up for sale on here for like £30 or so, that's why I got it :lol:

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Thanks everyone :)

Proper base map is sorted now and booked in for a full map on 24th@Abbey :)

And yea, I did see that arrow...but by the time I screwed maf sensor in- I forgot about it :lol: oh well...it was a nightmare, but at same time good experience... At least now, after taking it apart million times, I know what's where and will be easier in the future :)

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Chubbs, I'm happy that I'm going after you, so I can get Mark to tune mine with 1 bhp more than yours :lol:


Shut up Adriano... If you have made instructions for charge pipe - it would've been much faster process :lol: :lol: yes, I blame you :lol:

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