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David Cameron on the Letterman Show...

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So our charming leader has been exposed on an American chat show as not knowing obscure facts on British History. Hardly a scandal worthy of the headlines but still the press has leapt all over it. Now, we're not going to nail our political colours to the mast. It's not what we do. But SERIOUSLY. Big deal. Sure, a knowledge of history is crucial but there's no point laying into the Prime Minister because he doesn't know who wrote the song Rule Britannia. It's not what he does. Besides, how many people do know this? Most of these journalists don't, that's for sure. Cameron was also ridiculed because he didn't know what Magna Carta was. Again, being a bit fuzzy on a character drawn up at Runnymeade in 1215 for Barons to renew their oaths of fealty to King John isn't exactly going to impact on his ability to save the economy. What's going to next? Hauling the Queen over the coals for her shocking lack of knowledge about the Tolpuddle Martyrs. It's a harrowing, fascinating tale but one unlikely to make the speech at Christmas. Actually if she did it might make it more watchable. Anyway, those Americans aren't in a strong position to test the intelligence of our leader. They voted in George W Bush.

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Americans are very much into their history, it's pretty easy when your country is only 200 years old though :lol: . Where they really suck is their complete lack of knowledge of anything that takes place outside of The U.S.A.




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