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Two Space Ted


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  ThriftyFifty said:

Disabled bay for me (in car parks). Only when there is a surplus though otherwise that would be too mean even for me B) .



I'd do the family space if there was plenty, not sure I could take a disabled space though!

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family parking spaces after 9pm (kids should be in bed by then) by all means


but double parking or disabled bays when your not disabled deserves at a minimum of appear on here




if i was with mates and i saw a double parked cars i'd get 2 cars to park within an inch of each side and watch with humour as the owner tried to get back into their car. :lol:

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  rtbiscuit said:

family parking spaces after 9pm (kids should be in bed by then) by all means


but double parking or disabled bays when your not disabled deserves at a minimum of appear on here




if i was with mates and i saw a double parked cars i'd get 2 cars to park within an inch of each side and watch with humour as the owner tried to get back into their car. :lol:


Disagree on double parking 100%.


I always parked my Z as in photo above at supermarkets, DIY stores etc. (i.e. anywhere not paying where there was a high chance of being damaged) part in protest and part to stop it being damaged.


Why would you use only one space? Don't understand that at all. The parking spaces in the UK are ludicrous. They are simply not big enough for cars. Haven't you noticed? Quite a big design fault that is accepted for some unfathomable reason. :wacko:


Why would you squeeze your car in to a space designed for a go kart when there is a good chance of it either being damaged or you have to get back in to the driver's seat by performing acrobatics whilst your passenger stands in the cold, windy, pissing rain whilst you reverse out because they couldn't get back in at all. :rant:


I posted the photo in tribute of excellent Z parking, not for any other reason.

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  captain said:
  rtbiscuit said:

family parking spaces after 9pm (kids should be in bed by then) by all means


but double parking or disabled bays when your not disabled deserves at a minimum of appear on here




if i was with mates and i saw a double parked cars i'd get 2 cars to park within an inch of each side and watch with humour as the owner tried to get back into their car. :lol:


Disagree on double parking 100%.


I always parked my Z as in photo above at supermarkets, DIY stores etc. (i.e. anywhere not paying where there was a high chance of being damaged) part in protest and part to stop it being damaged.


Why would you use only one space? Don't understand that at all. The parking spaces in the UK are ludicrous. They are simply not big enough for cars. Haven't you noticed? Quite a big design fault that is accepted for some unfathomable reason. :wacko:


Why would you squeeze your car in to a space designed for a go kart when there is a good chance of it either being damaged or you have to get back in to the driver's seat by performing acrobatics whilst your passenger stands in the cold, windy, pissing rain whilst you reverse out because they couldn't get back in at all. :rant:


I posted the photo in tribute of excellent Z parking, not for any other reason.


I'm sort of in agreement with you here.......providing there's plenty of space for others as well - if the carpark was busy, I wouldn't do it


as an example - I parked in a (paid for) car park in Staines over the weekend - pretty empty, but within the lines and nothing close to me - when I came back the following morning, the carpark was still empty, but my car had a car either side of it with not much room to spare :bang::bang:

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  captain said:
  rtbiscuit said:

family parking spaces after 9pm (kids should be in bed by then) by all means


but double parking or disabled bays when your not disabled deserves at a minimum of appear on here




if i was with mates and i saw a double parked cars i'd get 2 cars to park within an inch of each side and watch with humour as the owner tried to get back into their car. :lol:


Disagree on double parking 100%.


I always parked my Z as in photo above at supermarkets, DIY stores etc. (i.e. anywhere not paying where there was a high chance of being damaged) part in protest and part to stop it being damaged.


Why would you use only one space? Don't understand that at all. The parking spaces in the UK are ludicrous. They are simply not big enough for cars. Haven't you noticed? Quite a big design fault that is accepted for some unfathomable reason. :wacko:


Why would you squeeze your car in to a space designed for a go kart when there is a good chance of it either being damaged or you have to get back in to the driver's seat by performing acrobatics whilst your passenger stands in the cold, windy, pissing rain whilst you reverse out because they couldn't get back in at all. :rant:


I posted the photo in tribute of excellent Z parking, not for any other reason.


Couldn't agree more.


You think that's parking like a ****? I can guarantee you it's due to the driver being treated like a **** by other driver banging their doors into his before he started parking like that.


What you're looking at there is effect, not cause. Massive difference. Learn it.

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if you struggle to park a zed in a parking space maybe you need something a little smaller ;) like a little ford KA they fit in the spaces better.


christ on a bike, if i can get my XKR in those parking spaces and its a damn site wider than the Zed, then theres no excuse. i just park further away.


i have a few door dings in mine from when someone else owned it.


all of you who park across 2 spaces do deserve to be on PLAC


it pi$$es me off when i get into a busy carpark, and there is no spaces but some ***** has parked across 2. been tempted to get out with a breaker bar and put some proper dings in the side for them.


parking across 2 spaces surely encourages more damage to a car. every thinks your a muppet and your more likely to get keyed for it.

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Have to agree that I never take up two spaces in any car park. I either park far away where no one else is, which normally ends up with someone still parking next to me :bang: ! If its a multi storey car park I make sure I park next to a pillar and a expensive/new car on the other side.

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  rtbiscuit said:
  Ekona said:

If you park like the person in the photo above, you're a moron who doesn't deserve a driving licence. End of.




thank god someone has a brain :thumbs:


It pains me to say it but I agree with you both :lol:


What you others are saying is you think the spaces are too small so stuff everyone else you will park how YOU want, that will make people more angry and more enclined to 'accidently' damage your car in my book...


If you don't want your precious car to be squeezed into a supermarket car park like that the go at a quiet time or drive something else maybe :shrug:

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Whatevs.... :lol:


I agree with those who say they would "double-park" but not if it was busy. Perhaps i should have put that in my post.


But I still maintain that bays are too narrow in the UK and that where I live now (and the States and other countries I've been to) they have "proper" parking spaces. i.e. a car can be parked and four people can get out and open their doors wide without even thinking about the car in the bay next to you.


When I get a chance I'll post some piccies of the parking arrangements here. Some of you are going to need a stiff drink and a lie down though so be warned. :scare:


A few days ago a big S Class was parked across 3 bays in a mall with his boot sticking out about 4 feet on a blind corner. I did think that one was particularly daring and wished i'd had a "Best in Class" rosette to stick on his windscreen. :clap:

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People taking up two spaces really winds me up unless the car park is empty but then what's the point. Just park a long way away.


I know of people who have keyed cars they've seen hogging two spaces. I don't agree with actions of that sort in the slightest and think people who do that are scum.

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  captain said:

Whatevs.... :lol:


I agree with those who say they would "double-park" but not if it was busy. Perhaps i should have put that in my post.


But I still maintain that bays are too narrow in the UK and that where I live now (and the States and other countries I've been to) they have "proper" parking spaces. i.e. a car can be parked and four people can get out and open their doors wide without even thinking about the car in the bay next to you.


When I get a chance I'll post some piccies of the parking arrangements here. Some of you are going to need a stiff drink and a lie down though so be warned. :scare:


A few days ago a big S Class was parked across 3 bays in a mall with his boot sticking out about 4 feet on a blind corner. I did think that one was particularly daring and wished i'd had a "Best in Class" rosette to stick on his windscreen. :clap:


Yes but the U.S. is a HUGE country, the UK is tiny, you only have to look at the cars the Yanks drive, you wouldn't get them in a UK parking space even if you tried :surrender:


If you look around most car parks i.e. supermarkets etc 90% of the cars are little hatchbacks with tiny doors and perfectly easy to park, if we decide to drive coupe's with wide doors etc then that's our choice :thumbs:


I think we need Hugh to tell us all about how to design a car park :snack::stir:

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  captain said:

Whatevs.... :lol:


But I still maintain that bays are too narrow in the UK and that where I live now (and the States and other countries I've been to) they have "proper" parking spaces. i.e. a car can be parked and four people can get out and open their doors wide without even thinking about the car in the bay next to you.



I don't disagree that the bays are tight, but with a bit of courtesy you can get in and out of them fine. coupes and other 3 door cars find it harder as the door is longer and this makes getting out harder.

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  rtbiscuit said:
  captain said:

Whatevs.... :lol:


But I still maintain that bays are too narrow in the UK and that where I live now (and the States and other countries I've been to) they have "proper" parking spaces. i.e. a car can be parked and four people can get out and open their doors wide without even thinking about the car in the bay next to you.



I don't disagree that the bays are tight, but with a bit of courtesy you can get in and out of them fine. coupes and other 3 door cars find it harder as the door is longer and this makes getting out harder.


And don't even get started on 4x4's why can't they just go park in a field :shrug:

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