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Sptd: Silver 'V8 ***', A41 Upton Chester, 20/09


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I'm sure I've seen this about but never got a wave

persistence pays off! I did have to give a few flashes and theatrical waves to get one back, but it was a good quality wave I was rewarded with :wave:


Oh and silver isn't a primary colour.... You trying to say us azures are miserable?! :boxing::lol: Oops sorry just re read primer :lol:

Doh! :lol:


Which part of Chester are you in now? I recall a post of yours from a few months back saying you were on the move I think?



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I'm in Westminster Park now although trying to walk to work (kayaking this morning) but the zed has a run out weekends and some evenings, just cant leave it sat there on the drive....


Anyway, sorry abotu my miss understanding, reading on the phone and may have had a couple of :drunk: to celebrate the weekend

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