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Going backwards


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Decision made.


Once the 911 sells, I'm getting a Zed. The more I think about it, the more I want one again.


It will be very interesting to see how you feel about the z after having had the 911.


I'd have loved a 911 but the potential costs worried me a bit. Many of the porker adverts would have a sentence like "£4,000 spent in last 12 months" to say how well looked after it was - but it kinda put me off. Trouble is it probably doesn't pay to buy a cheap one - which was all I could afford.


Whilst the Z isn't cheap to run I don't feel I have to worry about anything horrific - most of the problems that occur seem solveable for a vaguely reasonable sum.

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Whilst the Z isn't cheap to run I don't feel I have to worry about anything horrific - most of the problems that occur seem solveable for a vaguely reasonable sum.

One of the reasons I bought one originally. Worst that can happen with a Zed is the engine goes pop, £1500 later and it's sorted. Not quite the case with the 911...


Having run the MX-5 alongside the Porker for a while, it's reassuring to know I can still really enjoy driving something that would struggle to de-skin a rice pudding, as well as something ballistic.

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Good decision :thumbs:


Maybe you should consider a SC'd Zed for a bit more :drive1 ??


It would be the familiar car you remember and are obviously fond of, but with more to keep you interested.


The extra poke might help towards it not feeling too much of a 'backward' step. :shrug:



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If I were to do anything like that (and the thought has crossed my mind), it would be an LS conversion. Always fancied doing that the first time round, so would love to actually do it this time. That's a good few years down the road though.

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Small bills is all relative I guess, I was looking at replacing the outriggers if they go and even then it's only £3K or so to get it all done properly. But yeah, the Zed will be remarkably less than that if anything does go pop. Hopefully! :lol:


I suspect an £800 Alfa will indeed change my life, but I've already got one shed and don't think I need another ;)


Outriggers a lot less than £3k these days , under a grand in some places :) spare parts dirt cheap esp if you avoid the TVR tax. Apart from servicing and upgraded suspension mine cost me £10 to repair a break down. Had it a year and sold for a good bit more than I bought it for :) Buy a good chim and you won't go much wrong.

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