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Hi Guys & Girls

I am looking at a 370 its a 2010 GT with 5000 miles.

Automatic box.

Any sensible comments are welcome.

Any funny comments also.

Really though I would be interested to hear your thoughts on the auto box

Many Thanks

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Must admit i am not a fan of the 370 auto. I had one as a courtesy car for a week and really didnt get on with it. Even via the paddle shift the gear change felt too delayed and disconnected. Manual is far more engaging.


I would send a pm to chris-i though as he has an autobox and loves it, its just not for me.

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Thanks people going for a manual Sheptember 2009 26,000 miles,

Drove it today. Noticed the difference against my 350.

Gave it some welly and the front seemed not to solid compared to the 350, also under braking from highish speed.

Tyres perhaps ???

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  • 3 months later...

I have the Auto box and love it. Had manual 350 & Chose 370 Auto instead of Manual after a last minute test drive and have no regrets. Paddle shift works fine up & down the box. Unless u have a legal race track on your back door.


I threw out all my Vinyle LPs and replaced them with a MP3 player years ago.

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Test drove an automatic before I got mine, decided in less that five minutes that I wanted the manual. Approaching a roundabout with a bit of pace on (well it was a test drive), down-shift to second.... wait.... wait...


...I wonder what I'll have for tea tonight...


...wait some more...


...and there it is.


Maybe I'm just an impatient @#&%. :wink:


Some do prefer the auto box though. It's a bit of a marmite thing I suppose.

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  On 31/12/2012 at 16:58, K370Z2 said:

I have the Auto box and love it.


I've not tried the manual one to compare it with though. If your going to use the car daily and hit a lot of stop start traffic then the auto would be my recommendation.

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I changed from a 350z manual to a 370z auto. Part of the reason was I mainly commute in my car and can't be bother changing heavy gears continuously for 45 min morning and night.


With the auto I can always swap between the 2 if you want to give the car some stick. I do miss the manual but think auto is a better suit for me personally.


It's not really something someone can tell you which is better,

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Serious and sort of related question.......is it easy to go from driving a manual to an automatic? As I've mentioned before, I came to driving quite late in life (at 40). I've only driven three cars in my life - the Fiesta I learnt in and the two 370Zs we've had - all manuals. There's a bit of me that thinks I might.......just might.......want to go down the GTR route in a few years, but I had this vision of me turning up for a test drive and not knowing what to do with the stick! :lol: . I'm guessing that it's just a matter of adjusting to something different, but I suppose there's nothing to stop me booking a few lessons in an auto before test driving anything as tasty as a GTR. Be interested to know how people who went from manual to auto found it to begin with?

Edited by sipar69
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Going from manual to auto is easy mate, You just keep your left leg planted and dont move it lol, everything else is the same. I dont think it is as good a drive as a manual, cause you dont feel at one with the car. However if your getting on a bit in life or you do alot of commuting etc, then the 370z auto is the way forward

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  On 16/01/2013 at 13:45, Jay said:

Going from manual to auto is easy mate, You just keep your left leg planted and dont move it lol, everything else is the same. I dont think it is as good a drive as a manual, cause you dont feel at one with the car. However if your getting on a bit in life or you do alot of commuting etc, then the 370z auto is the way forward


:lol: I'm 43 so hopefully won't need to make age-related decisions just yet :surrender: I do quite like shifting in the Z to get the growl from the rev match though.

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I has an automatic demonstrator for a while, while nissan fixed the clutch problems. The syncro rev was defo the thing I missed the most. It was a nice drive but a little on the boring side if I am honest.

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I test drove an auto the other weekend and the salesman (Nissan) did not know how to use the padle shift and nor did I the car just changed gear when it wanted before I could change ears with the paddle so what was I doing wrong!

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You were doing nothing wrong. The autos seem to change gear at approx 3000 rpm if you just driving normally. If you want to use the paddles then use them at any point and they will stay in manual mode for a good few seconds before dropping back into auto mode. :thumbs:


Also if you want to get out of manual mode as soon as possible then just keep one of the paddles pulled in (approx 3 secs) to go straight back to auto mode.


When driving on a m-way or dual carriage way and you need to over take you can also drop down a couple of gears with the paddle shift instantly or just plant your foot down and hit the kick down button. B)

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  On 17/01/2013 at 08:41, ace said:

I test drove an auto the other weekend and the salesman (Nissan) did not know how to use the padle shift and nor did I the car just changed gear when it wanted before I could change ears with the paddle so what was I doing wrong!


Doing wrong, well for starters driving an auto ;)

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