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Miss my Zed!!


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Ive already mentioned this in a previous post, but i feel it needs repeated! I MISS MY ZED!

Ive been trying to trade my new bmw but i cant find a zed that i like at any dealers. All the ones i like are private sales :thumbdown:

If i keep this bmw for the next year or so, it might be a 370z i buy, the way the prices are dropping! :)

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  Humpy said:
  Husky said:
  Ian said:
  Husky said:
  bronzee said:

:console: There's only one antidote, ya know. ;)

A big whooshy turbo :teeth:


Bloody hell!


Where did you reappear from :p

Your mothers bedroom :blackeye:


Yep Husky is back :lol:



I'm impressed Ian has a mum I always thought he was more a Dr Frankenstein type creation!

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Oh, I thought it was his mum... The lights were off and there were... extra bits.



OnT: I do miss the zed in some ways but I love my GT4 and connect with it in a way I never did the zed. She blew her radiator the other day and I gave her a hug to make it better :cloud9:


All the bits I might miss from the zed are made up for in a completely different way in my GT4.

- I miss the beautiful polished paintwork, but then I love the fact I don't have to give a stuff about cleaning the GT4 and I don't stress about scratches etc.

- I miss the awesome wheels I had on my zed, but then I love the fact I don't ever worry about kerbing or cleaning the GT4's crappy ones.

- I miss the linear acceleration of the zed, I love the turbo in the GT4

- I miss the newer looking interior (ish) of the zed, I love the cloth seats and simple mechanical feel of the GT4's interior and the fact I have 4 seats, the front seats being able to go flat like a bed.

- I miss having a different car that people noticed, now everyone has a zed, there are 6 in my work carpark alone. The GT4 is generally ignored or seen as a old jap car with a big jap can (which it is :p )

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  Husky said:
  Ian said:
  Husky said:

A big whooshy turbo :teeth:


Bloody hell!


Where did you reappear from :p

Your mothers bedroom :blackeye:


When did you move abroad :p


  keyser said:

I'm impressed Ian has a mum I always thought he was more a Dr Frankenstein type creation!


Dont let the neck bolts & usb port fool you ;)

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  Husky said:
  Ian said:
  Husky said:
  bronzee said:

:console: There's only one antidote, ya know. ;)

A big whooshy turbo :teeth:


Bloody hell!


Where did you reappear from :p

Your mothers bedroom :blackeye:




That made me laugh. :D


I miss my zed too, especially on hot days when id have the roof down. :( But im also liking my 123d coupe more and more as the weeks go on. Its slowly loosening up now its done 5000 miles and its still surprising me exactly how quick it is, especially when you use the torque (its got more torque than a zed) to over take.


Ive been looking at getting a cheap "sports car" to just mess about in at the weekends, but most i seem to see are actually also slower than the beemer, which kinda defeats the point of buying one really - but if i see a cheap soft top sports car I may still get one, although the summer is coming to an end now.

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