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Keyser's Mini Adventure. Update 30th June


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Hello everyone bye1.gif


I said I had another project waiting in the wings and as the SC 350 is built (not finished but built!) cloud9.gif


I know a few of you like reading about my shenanigans in the ZedShed (or looking at the pictures anyway wink.gif ) I also know this is NOT a Z but it's for my daughter as her first car and she can't get insurance on a Zed lol.gif


So welcome to Keyser's Mini Adventure -


The story so far -


A few weeks before my daughters 16th birthday (it's going to take a while to get this one on the road) the wife and I accompanied by my trusty mate "Bob the bolt Buster" we collected this 1986 Mini Mayfair.






It has in a barn for 6 years scared.gif




She was quite overwhelemed when she got it on her birthday thumbs.gif





It's been sitting on the drive since then - until Friday night




Then we rolled her in




We have begun the strip down on Saturday but I only have 1 pic of the that as the camera batteries went flat blush.gif




The ZedShed had another guest on Sunday ninja.gif so we haven't done much more.


We will be on it again tomorrow night so I'll get some pics sorted for you and an update on of how it's going.


Stay tuned for the next exciting episode .................................

Edited by Keyser
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  glrnet said:

The batteries went flat :shrug: Are you going to take this seriously or not!!? There is an audience out here, :wave: I was going to say adoring, but that would have been a bigger leap of faith than I was prepared to make :surrender:;)



Sorry Mr G sir won't let it happen again. :blush:




  HaydnH said:
  Keyser said:

We have begun the strip down on Saturday but I only have 1 pic of the that as the camera batteries went flat :blush:


I'm surprised you didn't get creative with a car battery to sort that out. :)


I have enough trouble taking the pictures :lol:

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Evening :)


OK camera batteries replaced and some progress tonight :thumbs:


Myself, daughter and Buster carried on striping her and got most of the glass




and interior out




guest bedroom is now the mini store :lol:




found some rust (no big surprise there)




Tonight's challenge - get the engine out




bumped into a small problem with some ball joints that had not been touched in 25 years, but Buster was on hand to apply some heat while I beat it with a hammer :thumbs:




Then he set it on fire :scare:




But we won in the end




Buster went home while I went sniping on eBay and got this complete body kit and a spare passenger door for less than £35 :yahoo:






Road trip tomorrow night :lol:


then another hour in the shed to achieve the nights goal






Stay tuned for the next exciting episode ...........................

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  andlid said:

LS1? What colour coding are you going for? Green would be sweet :blush:



Thanks for the replies all :thumbs:


Come on Andlid this is a first car the engine will be converted to unleaded cleaned and painted and remain stock! Insurance IS an issue!!


Body colour is up to my Daughter - she currently has it down to 3


1. Baby Blue :yuck:

2. Electric Blue :thumbs:

3. Rust - sorry sunset - that's Busters influence :rant::lol:



The sub frames and suspension will probably be colourful though :thumbs:







1360 Turbo is tempting though :ninja:

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  Ricey said:

No offence intended but I'm genuinely more interested in this one than the zed thread! :snack:



No offence taken I'm happy you and others actually take the time to read my threads, getting feedback and opinions (positive and negative) is great - maybe I should get out more :blush:


But out of interest why? Jus different, a passion for Mini's or because brining this one back to life is going to be a real challenge?

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  Keyser said:
  Ricey said:

No offence intended but I'm genuinely more interested in this one than the zed thread! :snack:



No offence taken I'm happy you and others actually take the time to read my threads, getting feedback and opinions (positive and negative) is great - maybe I should get out more :blush:


But out of interest why? Jus different, a passion for Mini's or because brining this one back to life is going to be a real challenge?

It's because Ricey likes girls cars ;)

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  Neilp said:
  Keyser said:
  Ricey said:

No offence intended but I'm genuinely more interested in this one than the zed thread! :snack:



No offence taken I'm happy you and others actually take the time to read my threads, getting feedback and opinions (positive and negative) is great - maybe I should get out more :blush:


But out of interest why? Jus different, a passion for Mini's or because brining this one back to life is going to be a real challenge?

It's because Ricey likes girls cars ;)


Shut it gangsta! ;)


It's because I absolutely love seeing something at the end of its days being dragged back to life.


I think that's why I like cleaning cars (as far as my restoration skills go!) because it breathes life back into them.


I'm literally addicted to wheeler dealers and if I could cross breed ed china with Karl pilkington I think I'd become an uphill gardener. :cloud9:

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