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RIP 1st man to step foot on moon


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+1 RIP Star Man.


I don't know the facts but I remember comparison was made to the computing power that they used to land on the moon and it is said that it was no more than that of a current day scientific calculator :scare: Obviously cutting edge at the time but it makes you realise exactly what they all achieved.


I particularly liked this quote:-


"Man is the best computer we can put aboard a spacecraft - and the only one that can be mass-produced using unskilled labour." :)


Werner von Braun (Designer of the Apollo V Launchers... and a few other things..)




These men were the bravest of the brave and real hero's to the whole world. To do what they did with technology based on knitting needles and string was truly amazing.


The world is a poorer place today with his demise, RIP :byebye:

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Very sad, the passing of what one could argue is the most significant man of modern times, certainly in relation to what mankind could achieve. With Aldrin and Collins being of the same age it won't be long before they to are no longer with us.


I think its very easy to forget sometimes how truely incredible and miraculous their achievement, along with those of the engineers, scientists, designers, testers, and backup crews really is.


Rest in piece Neil

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