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My E-mail to Kendal honda


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I edited once I actually read lol.


There is a group you can subscribe with to stop spammers. Can't remember for the life of me the name but when you mention it most sales teams drop a jobby and stop calling.


Will try and find out what it is for you.


I imagine though, if I worked for the garage, this sort of email would just encourage me to wind you up more.


I'm a bit of an arse that way though :lol:

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Telephone preference service, I subscribed, hasnt stopped cold callers though :thumbdown:


It stopped some for me although it used to work better than it does now, I guess people have just realised that if they ignore it nothing actually happens anyway! I've just started wasting their time, it makes me feel better knowing I'm costing some cruddy company money for wasting my time.

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Telephone preference service, I subscribed, hasnt stopped cold callers though :thumbdown:


It stopped some for me although it used to work better than it does now, I guess people have just realised that if they ignore it nothing actually happens anyway! I've just started wasting their time, it makes me feel better knowing I'm costing some cruddy company money for wasting my time.


I just cant be bothered talking to them, feel sorry for the call centre staff they employ though. What a cruddy job that must be!

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Well, It's 4 O'Clock and i haven't recieved a response from them, Which is rather dissapointing.


I will look into those things that you suggested above. But, even though i do get incredibly wound up with all the crap they send me, it was more an excuse to write a daft E-mail than a propper attempt to stop the influx of waffle.


I might start doing it more often as I rather enjoyed it. :lol:

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It stopped some for me although it used to work better than it does now, I guess people have just realised that if they ignore it nothing actually happens anyway! I've just started wasting their time, it makes me feel better knowing I'm costing some cruddy company money for wasting my time.


I just cant be bothered talking to them, feel sorry for the call centre staff they employ though. What a cruddy job that must be!


You don't have to speak to them that much, just pretend to be interested and then that you've been interrupted and have to put them on hold for a bit... just remember to go back to them occasionally to spike their "oooh I might get a sale" thought process again.

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I might start doing it more often as I rather enjoyed it. :lol:


:lol::lol: Ricey has a challenger :stir: god help us if you two team up :lol:


Would love to see that!


Someone get him on here i want to read some of his stuff :snack:


My stuff is all in the search somewhere......i dont want to steal anyones thunder. :starwars:

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I've had over 100 spam messages in the last 3 days and they're just the ones that have gone directly into my spam box, I guess there's another 30 or so that got through the filter. They include no less than 17 from PPIClaim, 9 from Accident Direct and 5 from Injury Claim, makes you sick really. I also get loads offering cheap viagra and other various medicinal products :lol: 3 or 4 four a week from Dabs Direct, I last dealt with them in about 2002 :shrug:


I only check my mail about once a month and there's usually only 3 or 4 that aren't spam. On top of that I get about a couple of telephone calls a day from various charities and Indian phone centres or people trying to sell me something, sometimes as late as 9.30 at night. The hike in stamp prices doesn't seem to have had much effect on junk mail either :shrug:




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I've had over 100 spam messages in the last 3 days and they're just the ones that have gone directly into my spam box, I guess there's another 30 or so that got through the filter. They include no less than 17 from PPIClaim, 9 from Accident Direct and 5 from Injury Claim, makes you sick really. I also get loads offering cheap viagra and other various medicinal products :lol: 3 or 4 four a week from Dabs Direct, I last dealt with them in about 2002 :shrug:


I only check my mail about once a month and there's usually only 3 or 4 that aren't spam. On top of that I get about a couple of telephone calls a day from various charities and Indian phone centres or people trying to sell me something, sometimes as late as 9.30 at night. The hike in stamp prices doesn't seem to have had much effect on junk mail either :shrug:





Hold on a minute! You're telling me that that's all spam and not stuff personalised just for me???


Given that I mostly receive emails about enlargement devices/pills, Viagra pills, guaranteed ways to get laid and ones telling me I need to get laid, I'd have thought it as specifically directed at me. For all these years I've thought someone had let slip about my problems. Thank god no one still knows, well apart from my exs :D

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