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WTB Apple MacBook


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Will look tomorrow to see if my company still have a 10% discount when ordering from Apple. Not sure if it is still there as not used since I got the mini-mac and a ipod.


May be worth calling your HR dept to see if they have a scheme, we also get money of some Microsoft products.



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With 13 inch screen they seem to be

1.83Ghz with 512M ram, 60gb h/d, combo drive = £703.83

2Ghz with 1G ram, 80Gb h/d and double layer superdrive = £826.03

free shipping.


http://store.apple.com/Apple/WebObjects ... lm=MacBook

Seems top be only £40-50 off as corp discount. Still would buy a couple of beers.

Also seems to knock off 10% from any of the options changed.


Just checked and these are the same as the Educational pricing so if it happened to be for your daughter then you can get the same price as above.

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With 13 inch screen they seem to be

1.83Ghz with 512M ram, 60gb h/d, combo drive = £703.83

2Ghz with 1G ram, 80Gb h/d and double layer superdrive = £826.03

free shipping.


http://store.apple.com/Apple/WebObjects ... lm=MacBook

Seems top be only £40-50 off as corp discount. Still would buy a couple of beers.

Also seems to knock off 10% from any of the options changed.


Just checked and these are the same as the Educational pricing so if it happened to be for your daughter then you can get the same price as above.


Thanks Steve. It is for my daughter for here college course, but was planning to buy it through my business to claim the VAT back. How can I get the discount though either way. The link shows £749 for the starter machine, which is the same at most places.




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Do not know if you will get VAT back or not but the Edu site is @




The above link was just to confirm we are talking about the same thing.


Yes found it thanks, and you're right I wouln't get the VAT back as it would have to be in my company name.


Found this place doing them for £730


https://www.krcs.co.uk/shop/product/det ... ombo-white

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Do not know them but make sure it is not a refurb as they are cheaper. The 2GHz one is only £599


http://store.apple.com/Apple/WebObjects ... .


The 2Ghz one with 60Gb drive is £663 and it doesn't say refurb. This seems too cheap. I checked kelkoo a few days ago and the prices on these were higher. Maybe we are just about to see a price reduction and these are one of te first to advertise?

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