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Question for you Gym people


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Different studies say different things.


Some folk argue that a whey isolate is best after a workout as it's digested fastest.


Others say whey and casein is optimal...some say you need simple carbs after a session...some say complex.


There's not really a definitive answer


I would be having it BEFORE I went to the gym due to not being able to eat a proper meal until after 8pm.

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Different studies say different things.


Some folk argue that a whey isolate is best after a workout as it's digested fastest.


Others say whey and casein is optimal...some say you need simple carbs after a session...some say complex.


There's not really a definitive answer


I would be having it BEFORE I went to the gym due to not being able to eat a proper meal until after 8pm.

eating after 8 is gonna be your biggest battle. Need to try and have something well before then as you will be storing anything you eat. You really need to try and eat more regular and smaller portions to get your metabolism up. Then once youre content and happy you will be able to control your diet and avoid eating so late etc as you wont feel as hungry as you've had all the intake you need during the day.

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Protein shake about 45 mins before going to the gym and then something low carb, low fat for tea afterwards.


Some very tasty protein shakes out there that are meal replacements.


I use BSN syntha 6 which tastes like a McDonald's strawberry milkshake.


Even though your female you would still benefit from these. You could even have a double shake for a dinner after the gym instead of a meal.


Syntha 6 is literally the only shake you can possibly use without wanting to vomit!


Choc peanut butter ....ooooom.....nooooom

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Protein shake about 45 mins before going to the gym and then something low carb, low fat for tea afterwards.


Some very tasty protein shakes out there that are meal replacements.


I use BSN syntha 6 which tastes like a McDonald's strawberry milkshake.


Even though your female you would still benefit from these. You could even have a double shake for a dinner after the gym instead of a meal.


Syntha 6 is literally the only shake you can possibly use without wanting to vomit!


Choc peanut butter ....ooooom.....nooooom

yeah mate it super tasty.


Even phd stuff that tastes nice originally, you end up going off it and also it makes your shakers smell like sick. Bsn doesnt leave a stench at all :lol::lol:

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I use Gaspari myofusion as all the flavours I've had have tasted good and that is a mix of whey, egg and milk proteins which have the different release rates that neilp was talking about. It also has CLA to help burn fat and flax seeds which sounds like its something you're looking for, rather than muscle building. I can recommend the chocolate peanut butter, tastes like a snickers.


The phd diet whey could be a good one also, with ingredients to speed up metabolism and burn fat but I don't have personal experience of it. They also make a phd diet whey bar if you prefer that to a shake.

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If you don't get essential nutrients soon after a workout, i read you can loose a massive amount of all that effort you put into the work-out as your muscles have atrophied, they need repairing asap or you'll just gain nothing.


I like the Weider protein bars, the Banana one is tasty!

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God I've unleashed a load of beasts here!! :lol:


Ive just ordered what Neil recommended and a girly sized shaker! Will let you know how I get on! :thumbs:

just watch how you shake it, some of the guys may get distracted :lol:

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God I've unleashed a load of beasts here!! :lol:


Ive just ordered what Neil recommended and a girly sized shaker! Will let you know how I get on! :thumbs:

just watch how you shake it, some of the guys may get distracted :lol:


I think we can safely say i'll be doing that at home! :lol:

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Deleted post as I made myself cringe reading that back :lol::lol::lol::lol:



Remember you cant leave protein in water in heat as it will be rotten and also wash your shaker straight after you finish your shake to save it going foosty :lol:

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When and what you should eat really depends on what you want to acheive from your workout. If your simply looking to lose bodyfat its simple, eat less calories than burn everyday and you'll lose fat. But remember carbs are your bodies preferred source of energy, therefore you have to deplete all the carbs before you start burning fat.

If your doing resistance training then your body requires carbs to fuel your workout, thats why its really important to do your weight training before your cardio. HIIT is the best form of cardio to burn your fat stores.

If you've got an iphone or android a good app to download is my fitness pal, its free and really easy to use. Its also got a barcode scanner to help upload your nutritional info.

Even if your not a serious bodybuilder protein shakes are ideal to help your tired muscles recover faster. :)

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When and what you should eat really depends on what you want to acheive from your workout. If your simply looking to lose bodyfat its simple, eat less calories than burn everyday and you'll lose fat. But remember carbs are your bodies preferred source of energy, therefore you have to deplete all the carbs before you start burning fat.

If your doing resistance training then your body requires carbs to fuel your workout, thats why its really important to do your weight training before your cardio. HIIT is the best form of cardio to burn your fat stores.

If you've got an iphone or android a good app to download is my fitness pal, its free and really easy to use. Its also got a barcode scanner to help upload your nutritional info.

Even if your not a serious bodybuilder protein shakes are ideal to help your tired muscles recover faster. :)

This ^^^^ :thumbs:

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If your doing weight training during your gym sessions, then the gym is the probably the best place for you. But if its mainly cardio training your doing then there may be better options for you other than running on a treadmill or using a cross trainer etc.

I train 10 times a week at present (3 tae kwon-do sessions, 3 brazilian jiu jitsu sessions and a 4 day weight training split). My biggest problem is recovery. I do my strength and conditioning around 3pm and train TKD and BJJ at night from around 7pm.

I defo recommend trying boxing, thai boxing, BJJ etc for your HIIT cardio training. You'll learn new skills, meet new friends and chances are you'll not even notice that your working your ass off as you'll be having a good time.

Just my opinion, as i can never get my head around the fact that folk jump in there car, drive 2 miles to the gym then jump on a treadmill :lol: Why not just go for a run!!

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Some good advices on here, so i`ll just reflect my experiences.


Ive been into body building, on/off for the last 22 years, so have learnt a thing or to.


First thing I learnt is not to bother with fancy protein supplements costing 30 or 40quid a tub. I just buy Protein powder in bulk. Massive sacks of the stuff for 80quid each which last me for ever. Its mainly stuff the food industry buy when they make products like chocolate etc.. You can get 80% or 90% protein blend depending on what you fancy. If you dont like the natural taste you can always mix in a bit of milkshake powder, but i love the natural taste of it. I can see why people buy stuff like maximuscle etc.. though. If you read the sales spiel on the packet you think its the next best thing since steroids and a couple of scoops will turn you into Arnie.


I normally start by making a note of all your current diet, so you can see what amount of protein, fat & carbs you are having before you start adding anything else, as you may first need to adjust what you are eating. Workout how many calories you are using per day and how many you are taking on board. If you using more calories than your eating you will loose weight.


Really your diet and workout program needs to reflect what you are trying to achieve. At the moment personally im trying to loose a bit of fat as ive had a good few months off and not been watching what ive been eating. For me I find a hard early morning cardio session on an empty stomach works the best. I work from 8am to 7pm so I get up at 6am, and go for a run. Yes... run on the streets. Dont need a treadmill or fancy gym, just a pair of proper running shoes and some headphones. I try and do 4 miles 3 times a week. Then when I get back in i`ll cool down, have a shower then have something low fat and high in protein for breakfast. I find after the run, my metabolism is through the roof and I can sit there at work and literally be buzzing until after lunchtime. I can literally feel the fat burning off.


I split my weights workouts into different muscle groups like most body builders do. That way you can have a good 1hr workout and keep your energy up, focusing on one area of your body without tiring half way through. You can give 100% to it.


So, for example you may do back / upper back and biceps one day, then chest, triceps (maybe shoulders depending on energy levels) another day etc...


I tend to do weights straight after work. Ive been sitting on my backside all day resting and eating, so ive plenty of energy stored up, so dont need another shake or anything before my workout. Maybe a black coffee but thats about it. Workout for an hour, then have a protein shake straight after. Usually just protein & water. Sometimes mix some maltodextrin in it if i need extra carbs. Again, shower, cool down, then usually have a meal 1hr later - again high protien, low fat.


Lunches at work can be a pain, as sarnies from the local shop are so easy. But, what I tend to do is to make my own lunches. I split my main lunch into 2 or 3 meals staggered out at roughly 2 or 3 hour intervals. So, breakfast at maybe 8am, meal at 11, meal at 2pm and something at 4pm. Very often if im having something like chicken or rabbit for tea, i`ll cook a bit extra and have that for my lunches the next day. Or i`ll open some tuna. I usually have some rice with it and some peas... just stick it in a container then you can microwave it. If no microwave, you can swap out the rice / peas for something else. Theres a million options, just do what you fancy.


The biggest problem most people have is temptation. My missus cant diet for the life of her and hates any sort of physical exercise so she has problems. She can be fairly good on her diet for a couple of days then rinse a whole family size bar of dairy milk - 1200 calories alone. My biggest temptation is a pint of lager! But, when im strict im strict and you have to make sure you are strict all week and maybe allow yourself a day off at the weekend when you can have that kebab or pizza or curry or chocolate.


I use an app called myfitnesspal and thats great in that i can keep track of my calories per day and know where I am.


Good luck with it all!

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Some good advices on here, so i`ll just reflect my experiences.


Ive been into body building, on/off for the last 22 years, so have learnt a thing or to.


First thing I learnt is not to bother with fancy protein supplements costing 30 or 40quid a tub. I just buy Protein powder in bulk. Massive sacks of the stuff for 80quid each which last me for ever. Its mainly stuff the food industry buy when they make products like chocolate etc.. You can get 80% or 90% protein blend depending on what you fancy. If you dont like the natural taste you can always mix in a bit of milkshake powder, but i love the natural taste of it. I can see why people buy stuff like maximuscle etc.. though. If you read the sales spiel on the packet you think its the next best thing since steroids and a couple of scoops will turn you into Arnie.


I normally start by making a note of all your current diet, so you can see what amount of protein, fat & carbs you are having before you start adding anything else, as you may first need to adjust what you are eating. Workout how many calories you are using per day and how many you are taking on board. If you using more calories than your eating you will loose weight.


Really your diet and workout program needs to reflect what you are trying to achieve. At the moment personally im trying to loose a bit of fat as ive had a good few months off and not been watching what ive been eating. For me I find a hard early morning cardio session on an empty stomach works the best. I work from 8am to 7pm so I get up at 6am, and go for a run. Yes... run on the streets. Dont need a treadmill or fancy gym, just a pair of proper running shoes and some headphones. I try and do 4 miles 3 times a week. Then when I get back in i`ll cool down, have a shower then have something low fat and high in protein for breakfast. I find after the run, my metabolism is through the roof and I can sit there at work and literally be buzzing until after lunchtime. I can literally feel the fat burning off.


I split my weights workouts into different muscle groups like most body builders do. That way you can have a good 1hr workout and keep your energy up, focusing on one area of your body without tiring half way through. You can give 100% to it.


So, for example you may do back / upper back and biceps one day, then chest, triceps (maybe shoulders depending on energy levels) another day etc...


I tend to do weights straight after work. Ive been sitting on my backside all day resting and eating, so ive plenty of energy stored up, so dont need another shake or anything before my workout. Maybe a black coffee but thats about it. Workout for an hour, then have a protein shake straight after. Usually just protein & water. Sometimes mix some maltodextrin in it if i need extra carbs. Again, shower, cool down, then usually have a meal 1hr later - again high protien, low fat.


Lunches at work can be a pain, as sarnies from the local shop are so easy. But, what I tend to do is to make my own lunches. I split my main lunch into 2 or 3 meals staggered out at roughly 2 or 3 hour intervals. So, breakfast at maybe 8am, meal at 11, meal at 2pm and something at 4pm. Very often if im having something like chicken or rabbit for tea, i`ll cook a bit extra and have that for my lunches the next day. Or i`ll open some tuna. I usually have some rice with it and some peas... just stick it in a container then you can microwave it. If no microwave, you can swap out the rice / peas for something else. Theres a million options, just do what you fancy.


The biggest problem most people have is temptation. My missus cant diet for the life of her and hates any sort of physical exercise so she has problems. She can be fairly good on her diet for a couple of days then rinse a whole family size bar of dairy milk - 1200 calories alone. My biggest temptation is a pint of lager! But, when im strict im strict and you have to make sure you are strict all week and maybe allow yourself a day off at the weekend when you can have that kebab or pizza or curry or chocolate.


I use an app called myfitnesspal and thats great in that i can keep track of my calories per day and know where I am.


Good luck with it all!


And don't forget, you love pies too!! :p

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And don't forget, you love pies too!! :p


Which is a very good point. My mate used to constantly wonder how the hell I could eat 3 or 4 pies a week and not turn into a fat so & so. But he didnt realise that i factored in those calories into my daily routine. So those 500 calories a pie was, when coupled with healthy veg & potatoes all kept me well within my daily amount.

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Depends completely on what size you are and what your trying to achieve. If your a big lad and wanna burn some off, take dinner 30min to hour before gym, so your not putting at energy/weight on after gym.


If your like me and just dnt put on any fat at all, you can do either or. I tend to do dinner after gym, i take energy drink (n.o.xplode or grenade preworkout) to give massive energy rush to build the muscle, then take dinner after to get a bit more into my body to repair it faster.


I aint a nutritionist though, but eres never a defined answer. All down to what ur gonna eat, what you doat gym, how long for, etc etc

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Depends completely on what size you are and what your trying to achieve. If your a big lad and wanna burn some off, take dinner 30min to hour before gym, so your not putting at energy/weight on after gym.


If your like me and just dnt put on any fat at all, you can do either or. I tend to do dinner after gym, i take energy drink (n.o.xplode or grenade preworkout) to give massive energy rush to build the muscle, then take dinner after to get a bit more into my body to repair it faster.


I aint a nutritionist though, but eres never a defined answer. All down to what ur gonna eat, what you doat gym, how long for, etc etc


Sorry mate, but eating an hour before the gym will do nothing but make you feel sick. Anything other than simple carbs (sugar) won't even have been digested by then so you won't be burning any of it. If you eat after the gym then your body will be trying to recover and will actually use what you're eating, which is the key. Another thing to bear in mind with weight loss is that while calorie deficit is important, it shoudn't compromise your metabolism. If you starve yourself then your metabolism hits rock botttom and your body will be stashing anything it can get, whereas if you keep your metabolism high and eat sensible food little and often your body will use what you put in and you'll feel a lot better.



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