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Android tablets


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Look for the thread on here about the nexus 7. Big discussion about it a few weeks back.


Best buys in my opinion in the 7" size are nexus 7 or the Samsung tab 2 7inch. Both are less than £200 and cracking tablets. I bought a nexus 7 a few weeks back myself and love it.


If you want a 10.1 inch size, then the Samsung Tab 2 10.1 is the one to go for.


You`ll find you`ll get more for your money with an android though than with an ipad.

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I just got a samsung galaxy tab 7.0 free with my samsung TV. I also have an iPad 2.


I have to admit that the andriod interface does not beat the iPad. But its a cheaper alternative and definitely good. I use the samsung for train journeys and mostly watch tv shows on it.


For something that costs 200, its not a bad alternative.

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I sold both my ipad2 and ipad3 at the same time on eBay, was hoping if one sold I would keep the other but both sold while I was playing golf one day so was left with nothing :dry:


Decided to try Android instead and managed to get the Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 the day it went on sale and I am quite impressed with it in comparison to the iPad, the iPad 3 won't be beaten for screen but just being able to go onto a website and play a video without worrying if it has been converted to HTML5 or not is a godsend.


But I was reading that Android are phasing out Flash support as well....


Most of my use of a tablet is for browsing the web, so I have hardly used any Android apps. So the fact the appstore is far superior to the Play store means little to myself.


One small but very significant change is going onto Youtube and searching for latest music and seeing the official music video at top of search results which you won't get with the iPad. You must use Vevo on the iPad and you don't get every music video on there either.

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  nij1983 said:

I have to admit that the andriod interface does not beat the iPad. .


The tab 2 uses an older version of Android OS compared to the nexus 7. We have an ipad3 and a nexus 7 in our household and the smoothness and speed of the nexus certainly is equal if not better than the ipad 3.



  maxi-glasgow said:

But I was reading that Android are phasing out Flash support as well....


Most of my use of a tablet is for browsing the web, so I have hardly used any Android apps. So the fact the appstore is far superior to the Play store means little to myself.



With Android you can simply re-install flash if you wish. No problem at all.


As for the app store, i seem to remember reading that Play Store has 600,000 apps? How many more do people want? If I need an app for something, i simply go to the Play Store, search, it quickly finds it and I download it. I have never once ever not been able to find an app to do what I wanted. Whether its to use my phone or tablet as a remote control to control my hifi, free sat nav, tesco shopping, amazon, imdb, angry birds, new keyboards... everything ive wanted has been there and easy to find. One cool thing I like about the play store is that if im on my PC and see an app I want, i can just click download and it will automatically send it to my tablet so when I get home the app is already installed & running.

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