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Zed threatened at work


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Zed is parked in the car park outside the dental surgery where I work.

Over the past 7 yrs most patients know it's my pride and joy.


Today someone commented in a jovial way how nice I have kept it over the years, and if I wanted it keeping that way I'd better not hurt him :scare:


I'm sure it was out of jest as I get on really well with him but having everyone know that the tango chariot is mine certainly ensures EXTRA GOOD customer service even when they are totally unreasonable.


Anyone else fear for their zed due to vengeful customers/clients at work?

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i'm a teacher, every student knows my car


had several students threaten to key it, slash tyres etc, it was slightly in jest, but they were the kind of kids that could/would do something like that.


still doesn't stop me being a hard arsed barsteward. :lol:


the naughty ones know i'd strign them up by their testies with piano wire if they touched my car :lol:

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Zed is parked in the car park outside the dental surgery where I work.

Over the past 7 yrs most patients know it's my pride and joy.


Today someone commented in a jovial way how nice I have kept it over the years, and if I wanted it keeping that way I'd better not hurt him :scare:


I'm sure it was out of jest as I get on really well with him but having everyone know that the tango chariot is mine certainly ensures EXTRA GOOD customer service even when they are totally unreasonable.


Anyone else fear for their zed due to vengeful customers/clients at work?


Thats a dangerous threat to make, im sure dentists know how to be... less gentle... while they work


or at least less cooperative when he comes to you in pain

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Didn't realise u were a dentist as well. None of my patients have threatened my car- their phobias are too bad :lol:


I did get a scratch along when I had the clk. Don't think it was one of my patients just someone jealous. Luckily it wasn't my clk it was a spanking new courtesy clk

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Didn't realise u were a dentist as well. None of my patients have threatened my car- their phobias are too bad :lol:


I did get a scratch along when I had the clk. Don't think it was one of my patients just someone jealous. Luckily it wasn't my clk it was a spanking new courtesy clk

Thats because most of them are zed owners :lol:


PS I have a nice big wad of cash sitting here waiting on you moving practice to sort me out some hollywood smile sh*t :lol:

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I had the front bonnet of mine done a a few years back on my 200sx.


Thats what you get for being a Kitchen Manager in charge of 10 stressed out chefs doing 4000 people a week. Don't half see some stress going down. I try not to give them the 'ramsay treatment' but sometimes it's un-avoidable due to the stress!


I've had a few saying there 'gonna do me or my car'(or both!). :boxing:

PS I have a nice big wad of cash sitting here waiting on you moving practice to sort me out some hollywood smile sh*t :lol:


Always fancied one of those porcelain veneer jobs.How much for a full set with discount? :teeth:

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I had the front bonnet of mine done a a few years back on my 200sx.


Thats what you get for being a Kitchen Manager in charge of 10 stressed out chefs doing 4000 people a week. Don't half see some stress going down. I try not to give them the 'ramsay treatment' but sometimes it's un-avoidable due to the stress!


I've had a few saying there 'gonna do me or my car'(or both!). :boxing:

PS I have a nice big wad of cash sitting here waiting on you moving practice to sort me out some hollywood smile sh*t :lol:


Always fancied one of those porcelain veneer jobs.How much for a full set with discount? :teeth:

Alot :scare: lol, sh*t-your-pants prices :lol:

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10 stressed out chefs doing 4000 people a week


That sounds more like a brothel than any sort of catering arrangement!


Well I could tell you a few stories about 18 year old waitresses.I've got a flat in the hotel and one knocked on my door in a cowgirl outfit, guns and all and said , well you can guess! ;)


Needless to say I took her up on her offer :D

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Never had any issues with clients - and I work with some pretty hardcore young people - infact the zed used to be a really good icebreaker for those lads who were 'harder to reach' :lol:


When I worked in residential child care though - my old car was battered and abused several times - but it was never just mine so I didn't take it personally :shrug:

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Always fancied one of those porcelain veneer jobs.How much for a full set with discount? :teeth:

All depends how much u wanna spend. The more u pay the better the quality. We charge between £100-375 per tooth


Could do them on the nhs for very little. They usually look like this



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Always fancied one of those porcelain veneer jobs.How much for a full set with discount? :teeth:

All depends how much u wanna spend. The more u pay the better the quality. We charge between £100-375 per tooth


So I guess a middle of the road job is 6-7k cash? :teeth:

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Always fancied one of those porcelain veneer jobs.How much for a full set with discount? :teeth:

All depends how much u wanna spend. The more u pay the better the quality. We charge between £100-375 per tooth


So I guess a middle of the road job is 6-7k cash? :teeth:

We usually only do the front 6 upper teeth, sometimes 8. So 6k cash is fine with me any day! :lol:

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