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My turn for some career advice


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Got a lot to answer for, those Ruskies :p;)


I have been offered contract positions a few times. I have never taken them as they wern't always that long term. I have a mortgage so if it went to crap I'd be potentially up the creek. The biggest one was that my misses is a PhD student so she couldn't support me if needed.


One thing I will say as someone that used to travel a lot is, what do you think about being away from 'home' and more to the point, what does Carla think about you being away? If you/her hate it what kind of options would you have? Could you go back to 'normal' money?


Also, what kind of benefits do you get at the moment? Good pension etc?


I've got 2 mortgages :scare:


Being away from home is a worry for me but I've got to grow a pair at some point and realise that there is a wolrd outside Chester Business Park. Carla moved out a month or 2 back as we needed some space from one another as working together and living together was proving a bit much so we'll probably find it does us even more good.


Get a reasonable pension but it still amounts to feck all based on my pension projections (8k a year in 2099 or something!). Private health (could get myself and has been useful with my injuries), full sick pay for 3 months then half for another 3, 4x annual salary life assurance.


Apart from the security of being ill and being paid the benefits are nothing I couldn't walk away from.



Sounds like a good move then to be honest. Travelling (even in the UK) makes you grow. I moved to Russia - a country I knew naff all about and didn't speak the lingo) at age 20 and I can honestly say it made me the person I am today.

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I would go for it :thumbs: doing something different can be good not only for your career, but also your home life :yahoo:


The move out of the norm is a daunting one, having just given up a job that I love for ultimately perhaps a better quality of life I feel much happier and am looking forward to the challenges ahead. :yahoo:


It's better to try something new, rather than regret it for the rest of your life :thumbs:


P.s I can recommend somewhere if you and Carla want a extreme change of scenery ;)



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I say go for it mate :thumbs:

I went self employed 3 or four years back and it was the best thing I've done. You really feel like you earn your own money because you only have yourself to answer to if you mess up. It sounds like your industry might be different to mine as I haven't come across the 'fecking people over' thing, but you seem like a good chap with the right skills so you'll walk it.

In the end I was offered the same cash to go full-time with one of my clients and as I liked the work was saving to pay for our wedding I took it. I'm glad I did but I still hope to go self employed again in the near future.


Good luck whatever!!! :#1:

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My wife has been contracting (oil and gas) all her life and wouldn't change a thing, go for it. We have two kids who know nothing different so it doesn't bother them but what they do know is that without her job we wouldn't have what we do and whenever we want anything we get it. Too many stories of people missing out when they could of gone and took a little risk. Your wife has a good job so like us there is always a solid base at home. As for the tax!!!! Get a good accountant and go Ltd Company and it isn't a problem.

If in 6 months or even a year down the line you get laid off think how you will feel, go for it.

Quality of life is much better when you have money, no worries, can buy whatever, whenever you want. I work in a public office job and the amount of people there who are struggling now is scary so you have to do it, go on you know it!!!!!

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Cheers all......I've not really asked a single person who hasn't been positive about it so far so I'm going to see what they have to say and make my mind up.


I may not even get an interview yet!


Jim, Carla really wants to do 6-12month in oz and Canada and the only thing stopping me is the fact is have to leave my job so this could be a really good route into a bit off time perhaps inbetween contracts where I can do it.

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With contracting, when you have monthly outgoings like mortgages, just means you have to be good at what you do, and get your sales pitch on big time when needed to ensure that you are gamefully contracted as much as you require. ;)

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