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In London all week - Olympic recommendations


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Hi guys,


I've just found out i've got to go to London for the week on business :thumbdown:


However - evenings will be free from 6pm onwards, so can anyone recommend any olympic attractions or activities that i can get along to? I've not got any tickets for anything, but would like to think i could go to the Olympic Park and at least see something interesting?


Any thoughts?

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Basketball, beach volleyball, boxing, canoe slalom... I stopped checking after those four, there may be more though.


All on the website, just search through the sports. :)


Just had another look. There's something up with the search filters which was stopping me finding anything on sale.


That said, I've just been through every sport and the only event thats available we'd or thurs that starts in an evening is boxing, and it's £50 :thumbdown:

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