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Getting it right harder than first thought...


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:dry: .... Well, not posted anything in a while, since the last time i've pegged down a bit from the 'i want the newest and bestest...' lol Decided to go for a pre-facelift one after much pondering around comparing the two and decided even the old ones look superb and I was just being a bit of a... picky tit.


But since doing this its harder than I thought trying to find the right one :blink:

05' - early 06', 35K mileage, GT, silver/grey.. teetering on blue after looking at a recent one..in that order of colour lol. For that seen the prices around £8-8.5K, trade in my hooverCoupe for about 1800-2000 and its an easy affordable steal for 3 yrs finance. Sorted... but..no.


Everyone I see is either black..no thank you, sunset... again...no thank you lol 50K plus miles and have the wrong wheels. (i want the sharper lookin' rays lol). Theres a few kicking about arnold clark, glasgow, EK, seen one in edinburgh at the weekend to discover they don't do trade in cos of my mileage in my car (grr... ). But all the wrong wheels. I'm buying to keep as is (bar windows n' stubby) so i cant be bothered with wheel hunting etc as I know it'll be the next suggestionlol. (incidentley the blue one in edinburgh sighthill 'union motor company' is pretty mint if your looking for a blue one!).


Do you think theres still a few out there with 30K on it? Or am i pushing my luck for the older cars? :bang: Seeing Tranquilbass coming home just made the thought even more depressing lol. Such a pretty car... :lol:

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I know i've seen, but some are quite a bit away and trying to get the time to go down.. having to treck all the way down south to look at it and possibly decide its not in good nick is... not practical to say the least. lol.. 100 miles is really all i'd be willing to travel. I mean ...go down, see the car, get a valuation, test drive, back home... back down collect the car, drop mine off, drive all the way home. .Its ok, if its not too far away, but once you start hitting 150+ im like.. noooo.



EDIT - Besides the ones I know about theres two.. but no picture...and both about 130-160 miles away. Infact.. lets check where that is..

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Thats quite a good idea actually... but I need to trust someone I don't know.. ...all very nice there on here but... its a hard one to do when you may get down there and go... you never told me about this...etc lol Hmm... hold on til' i see where those two without pics are..

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Northern Ireland...with a modified stereo..no... lol


Wigan... 3+ hrs away... dear god :scare: . I've been near it before in ...Huddersfield.. don't think i'd drive that much for a car lol.


I'll just keep looking. Although I might actually do that, i was gonna get my m8 whos a mechanic to look at the car also, but might be worth while.. asking someone on here if something comes up nearer ...hmm.

Anyway, ill keep looking. Feel free to PM me if someone catches one early in area around Glasgow or Edinburgh and inbetween lol.


Cheers again! :):thumbs:

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I would say there are a fair few things about Zeds that owners will know to look for over a mechanic who has never worked on one - will your mechanic have his head out the window listening for a clicky rear axle for instance...make use of the forum, some good guys on here, they may even know the history of a local Zed having shopped for one in their local area. You can always then if it looks pretty good pay out for an RAC inspection or the like to test the mechanics of the car. At the end of the day if it gets you your Zed, its been worth it.

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I'll happily go and visit any Zed in the Aberdeenshire area for you.


Basically you need to widen parameters. Prioritise what you want. From what I can see it's:


1. Silver / Grey (the commonest snoozefest colours)

2. Low miles

3. Condition

4. Rays

5. Distance




Now put them into the priority list. Most important thing at the top.

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You could look at Z4's there must be trillions of silver ones of them



And no my mechanic friend..who is quite good does not know the main items to look for.. i'm quite happy i've found enough through this to know whats not right.. i want him there for the basics... exhaust, axels, suspesion...etc.. when i buy cars i get them up on a ramp for him to look at underneath (im thorough and dealers you will obey lol :lol: )


But the expert Z'dr would be a handy thing indeed! :)


oh and...


1. Condition

2. Low Miles

3. Distance

4. Rays

5. Silver/Grey


...but thats hard! I won't accept those curvy alloys.. hate them lol. So the colour and alloys are at the same level.lol


And thank you for offering to help! :thumbs: As in another post i've seen (Ekona's withn his new 911 dream car)... as silly as it is this is mine, as much as i can get for as little as possible. So i wanna buy a good'n, make it last lol :)

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1. Condition

2. Low Miles Maybe consider higher miles, engines seem to go on forever if looked after

3. Distance Travel, I always look nationwide as the correct car is WORTH travelling for.

4. Rays Consider the non Rays, you can use the normal wheels for winter tyres, cost isn't too high

5. Silver/Grey Look at other colours



I have given some ideas to help you search for the right car.


Basically you need to compromise somewhere. By your list you'd compromise in the reverse order. Start by looking at other colours, then for non Rays cars, then further afield etc.

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I apologise if this comes across the wrong way and I don't want to be rude, but if you're going to be borrowing £6k on a 3-year finance deal, I presume you have considered all the other associated costs. £500 minimum for tyres, spare parts as and when they may be needed, brakes, etc. etc. etc.

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Yes.... lol those don't bother me. i just would like a low monthly payment lol. It can be higher.. i just don't want..or rather need it to be, seen as the price there going for lol why pay more...? lol Always hovers round this arrgh....


I've modded my currant car, had to replace loads of things as i go thorugh tonnes of miles, due to a sensor issue im now getting Zed performance mpg...not that it was that far behind..this also doesn't bother me...


The reason i want it to be spot on is... I can't be bothered changing wheels, don't want tonnes of hassel (who does?), i just wanna find the car... cheap as possible... right spec/colours...tint the windows ,stubby and leave it alone.. job done. But yesss..you are right i should broaden my eyes a bit;

I kinda like the blue (just paranoid about someone scratching the damn thing lol)

40K prob isn't much.. my head just seems to think 30sumthin' sounds better...

and rays... no..no i will not give in on them lol :lol:

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This is what I looked at on the weekend there, 40K i think it was or just over, and when i looked round it (besides some polish needed for the exhaust tips) it was mint, clean engine everything. I went to see it to do just that...broaden my horizon on the colour..and i liked it. If it wasn't for the fact they wouldn't do part exchange and those alloys... i would be amazingly tempted.... I just don't think it looks as good with them, not as sharp...

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Yes, but im not trawling about for mint rays when i can just get them on the car. Yes I could buy ones and switch them, but I don't want to..simple. Its not unreasonable to just want them on the car already and save the hassell of hunting around. I don't need to hunt around for pads, discs n' tyres. I can just go get them done there n then.


My point was just a general question of wonder how many are left out ther for the mileage/spec im after, as it seems there rare in coming up now for pre-facelifts... and maybe a bit of 'banter'. I wasn't after an argument over..alloys :dry:

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eg... ebay one of the biggest probably for searching, decent enough... there are a few.. single alloys, some scuffed. There is one set... that are painted horrendous white.. lol None on gumtree. Just two quick searches. Yes probably easier than a full spec car, but seemingly not hugely easy unless I can find a specific person who deals in OEM stuff. Certainly not going to Nissan anyway lol

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I've viewed 2 cars for southern members now, Took loads of pics, checked the engine etc for noises, clutch feel etc and they have come up and bought them that day and drove home.


The biggest problem for you is that you need finance and dont have the cash to buy private. This really limits your choices.

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