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Urgent advice needed! Zed impounded maybe crushed!


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Morning y'all!


Cheers again for your input...even though most of you are a bunch of cynics ;)


Some funky @*!# going on here......tread careful


There are other cars out there.... not sure I would trust the current registered owner or the guy selling... interesting they are on the same forum but the current seller did not seem to know the owner?!


If you continue with this check everything as Ricey says.


I would just walk even if it it is all legit and go find a car with less of a dubious record.


They do know each other but the guy who's still the registered keeper (which we found out from the police yesterday) sold the car in 2009 and the current owner (guy I'm buying from) bought it in Autumn 2011 - the car changed hands twice in that time so the current owner assumed that it was one of those owners who'd have the V5.


It seems that there's a fair few ZX's that for whatever reason, perhaps as they're bought as projects thus are SORN, or because are solely track toys, are missing all the documentation...some people just aren't as meticulous as others when it comes to paper work!


I'll just see what today brings I guess. Even though the guy who sold the car in 2009 (still registered keeper apparently) has offered to come to the police station tomorrow with the seller and I we need to somehow get the seized notice as that's required before the car can be released. Also the 2009 guy lives almost 3 hours away and it will be a bit of a logistical nightmare. But we'll see!


The seller is only very young and is genuinely devastated by all of this drama. Of course leaving an uninsured and untaxed car on a public road isn't a good idea but not everyone has the luxury of off road parking. And he lives in a very small town where more of a blind eye is turned to that sort of thing as opposed to in a big city.


I don't seem to have much luck with Zeds and V5's as it took me over 6 months to get the documents for my 350Z and that was bought in a "normal" transaction from an independent dealer. :lol:


Hopefully I'll be able to post up some good news later :thumbs:


Thanks again to everyone,



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Keep at it Squee.

For the price you paid, for something that you're turning into a track toy....it doesn't really matter if it 'appears dodgy' as all these folks are saying.

Youve found the guy on the V5 and he knows who he sold it too and they confirm it. So you've traced the sale line, so you know it's not stolen.

You're just buying from a lazy git.


I'm going to view an n/a SWB next week (from the 300zx forum). :teeth:

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Thanks Lexx :):thumbs: nice to hear some words of encouragement. Hope your purchase, if you buy the car, goes a bit smoother than mine :lol:


Progress has been made today....I went down to the local (Chester) DVLA office this morning and they were incredibly helpful - totally different to the t0sspots at Shrewsbury - they were able to provide me with an official acknowledgement that the DVLA head office has the V5 and have given me stuff that will allow the police to release my car.


Tomorrow morning the seller and I will try again to get it back - hopefully with more success than yesterday :lol: I would have gone this afternoon to sort it out but I had to work this afternoon.


Thanks again all!



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I am amazed in a day and age when our cars are checked over and over and have to provide paperwork for everything that this thing has managed to hang around on public roads for as long as it has.


Personally I would walk, so much hassle for a car. As someone else pointed out, somewhere along the line one of these two characters are lying to you from what I can see, how can you be a registered owner of a car and not noticed any of the paperwork coming through your door that associates you with it? I just cant see how this car has existed since 2009 with no documentation and registered to someone else without something going wrong.

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Thanks Lexx :):thumbs: nice to hear some words of encouragement. Hope your purchase, if you buy the car, goes a bit smoother than mine :lol:


Progress has been made today....I went down to the local (Chester) DVLA office this morning and they were incredibly helpful - totally different to the t0sspots at Shrewsbury - they were able to provide me with an official acknowledgement that the DVLA head office has the V5 and have given me stuff that will allow the police to release my car.


Tomorrow morning the seller and I will try again to get it back - hopefully with more success than yesterday :lol: I would have gone this afternoon to sort it out but I had to work this afternoon.


Thanks again all!




oh wow Sarah what a kerfuffle! You must really want that car ;) Hope it goes smoothly from here on in.

If its any consolation I just waited 12 days from start to finish for new V5 so hopefully Swansea are turning things around relatively quickly at the moment :thumbs:

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