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4RE Leather

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I must admit l was a bit reluctant to post this because of the frustration it is causing me.

But after chatting with Girnet here goes.


From my posts in the past it is obvious that l have a love hate relationship with the OEM bluetooth.

But i wanted to stick with it and was happy to accept that if i wanted to call someone l would wait until I had reached my destination, but could still answer calls by the button on the steering wheel.

This system worked fine until a few days ago.

I turned the ignition on and the usual peter Iphone did not flash up on the radio facia.

Assuming that the bluetooth was off I checked, and my Iphone (4) said I was connected.

yet nothing was happening, so I de-paired them and did all the usuall.

Hard reset the phone. turned the phone on away from the car so out of range.

Still nothing.

The phone said pairing was taking place and the module would be orange. As soon as it had paired it would turn red and no


Not even that rude female voice that constantly says "Pardon" when I press the appropriate button on the steering wheel!

I tried my mates iphone 4s and it paired with that but the same thing, It seems to connect to the module then the light goes red and

nothing from the car system?

The only thing I have not tried is disconnecting the battery to reset the ECU to see if by some slim chance it is that.

Am l missing something simple here folks, like the Module failing!

Clown is going to let me use his to see if it is this.

Any past experience shared would be most welcome please.

I have come to rely on this system as it plays back through the speakers and I can here it over the exhaust and engine noise. So l am very eager to get it working as it was.

thanks in advance

Peter :thumbs:

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Good idea getting a lend of Clowns. I have issues with mine too, but seeing as it never worked right, I don't really miss it. I also wasn't aware it is supposed to show up the device name when it connected, mine just says "PHONE" :shrug:


The problem with mine is I can only take incoming calls hands free, if I use the phone to call then it works fine and if I receive a call whilst driving I can use the appropriate button to answer etc. However, I can't program it at all, if I try to follow the instructions in the manual, on pressing the first button it automatically calls a random number I don't know, I'm assuming it's a previous owner or something.


Anyway, sorry for kind of hijacking your thread, I didn't mean too :surrender:

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I think they hold 20 stored numbers. Its in the car user manual like Ebized said and is very voice sensative.

A mate of mine has the same kind of system in his lexus and he said in the end l had to speak work perfect in a clear soft voice

and then the car accepted the commands. However if you speak to quick all you get is "Pardon" . This is so frustrating that you end up swearing. The voice then says. Sorry I dont understand and randomly dials the 1st number on your list. I only managed to get one number in which was my doctor. They thought it quite funny that my car would ring them up all the time. I didn't!!

I am determined to get to the bottom of it, as i really do not want to spend out on a Parrot or any other device when I am sure this annoying problem is a small one. I thought at 1st it was down to the fact that i jail broke the phone! But I restored it and this was not the problem.

I did have a spare and put it on ebay for £50 last year. l think it was a guy from the forum came and met me at London Bridge and bought it off me. I might live to regret that.

Trouble is there is no one really who seems to know enough about this as most just use it for incoming calls.

Oh happy days.


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If you check out page 9 and following pages of the attached ^^^^ you will see the car memory holds 50 numbers and you do need to carefully follow the instructions about entering new names - worked OK for me with my previous two 350's - one using an old phone in the cradle (before smart phones :blush: ) and then the bluetooth adapter in the second 350.


But I also used a cradle for the phone so I could dial direct from that with (couple of button pushes) to avoid fighting with Miss Pardon when she had an off-day :doh:




Brodit holder with charging made for the 350's and no drilling/sticking required :thumbs:

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Well that didn't work? All i achieved is getting a phonecall from Cobra tracker because i forgot to put the software in garage mode b4 I disconnected the battery, Well at least that works.

same stuff with the module. Red light when ignition is on. Amber whilst pairing then straight back to red.

Getting a joke now.


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  Ebized said:

If you haven't got the user instructions - sounds like iyour case KyleR the car phone memory may be full from from previous owner(s) and they need deleting - see P9 etc in here:




I have the instructions and have tried the deleting all photo book entries that's on page 13, but as soon as I hold the speak button for 1 second, there is no voice, it just dials some random number :shrug:

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  KyleR said:

as soon as I hold the speak button for 1 second, there is no voice, it just dials some random number :shrug:


It may be that you are holding the 'speak' button down for too long Kyle. A short press initiates the system, while a longer press automatically redials the last dialled number.

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  Watshot said:
  KyleR said:

as soon as I hold the speak button for 1 second, there is no voice, it just dials some random number :shrug:


It may be that you are holding the 'speak' button down for too long Kyle. A short press initiates the system, while a longer press automatically redials the last dialled number.


If that's the case i'm going to :bang::lol:

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  KyleR said:

I have issues with mine too, but seeing as it never worked right, I don't really miss it. I also wasn't aware it is supposed to show up the device name when it connected, mine just says "PHONE" :shrug:


The problem with mine is I can only take incoming calls hands free, if I use the phone to call then it works fine and if I receive a call whilst driving I can use the appropriate button to answer etc. However, I can't program it at all, if I try to follow the instructions in the manual, on pressing the first button it automatically calls a random number I don't know, I'm assuming it's a previous owner or something.


Everything you have said above is normal - see page 3 of the manual. The reason you are getting some random number when you hit the speak button is bcause that is the last number used from list put ito the car by a previous owner, as Watshot says. :bangin:


If you want to dial a number from the car rather than your phone you have got to transfer the contacts one by one as it describes on pages 8 & 9 of the manual ^^^^. Can be very time consuming and frustrating getting HER on board to hear you properly. :headhurt:


Hence why many just use the system for incoming calls, but that should not prevent you making outgoing calls by dialing from your phone and then using the car's speakers/microphone to carry on the conversation. If you are receiving incoming calls and talking through the car's hands-free then there is no reason why you can't make outgoing calls but you have to dial from the phone itself unless you do the manual transfers.


The OEM sat nav allows you to see your contacts so that you should be able to beam contacts from your phone to the car via the bluetooth.


My advice is to dial from the phone - hence why I had the brodit holder in the 350 for ease of access and to remain 'hands-free' . It also allowed me to see who was ringing (I didn't have the sat nav screen in my 350's) so I could decide if I wanted to accept the call of not. :shrug:


Peter: Have you tried making a call by using the phone to dial a number - does the PHONE message come up on the audio display? I can't recall if the LED stays red or blinks continuously when not in use. Either way, has your phone found the car when pairing and have you put in the 1234 code? If not, sounds like we need that coffee ;)


Some tips here

http://www.370z-uk.net/forum/viewtopic. ... w=previous

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Think Coffee is a good idea. Done everything I can possibly imagine and Iphones and bluetooth I thought was a subject I knew about.

Zeds. obviously not!

I gather no one else has yet come across this problem?

I cant see the Voice command packing up for no reason and I am guessing it only works with the module in?

So if i can get Clowns module to test we can at least iliminate that?


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  Ebized said:

Peter: Have you tried making a call by using the phone to dial a number - does the PHONE message come up on the audio display? I can't recall if the LED stays red or blinks continuously when not in use. Either way, has your phone found the car when pairing and have you put in the 1234 code? If not, sounds like we need that coffee ;)

The phone is paired but phone message does not come up on Audio display!

yep phone finds car ok but thats as far as it goes.

I have a Nokia Music phone that used to pair with my Pathfinder so off to test that now:)

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First thing then is to try your phone in a 350 with a bluetooth that is known to be OK.


Then try that bluetooth in your car with both a phone known to work in another car and your phone and try again.


That will sort out where the problem lies - either with your phone, the BT adapter or the car :thumbs:

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Well that has totally shocked me!

I took the module out yesterday and cleaned all the terminals up and still nothing.

Clown popped by (As I cant go far) and I put his module in.

His started to flash red and amber but it would not connect so feared that the problem was further on

as none of the buttons worked.

Resigned to stripping mine out another time I just put mine back in and did not notice that the ignition was on

whilst doing so.

I heard a ding and hey ho its all working!!!

Ok answers on a post card lol.



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Now what was that you said on page 1 :bangin:


  4RE Leather said:

That will teach me to go look at the book lol.

....where it says as the first instruction:


Integrated phone activation

In order to use your mobile phone in your vehicle,

turn the ignition key to the ACC or ON

position, switch your mobile phone on, open

the console box lid and place the mobile phone (now the Bluetooth adapter)

in the cradle. The hands-free mode is automatically

activated. The phone battery charge

mode is also activated. A notification screen 'PHONE'

on the vehicle audio system display

comes on when an incoming call is being received

as well as when a call is initiated.


More seriously, integrated phones were not common installations when the 350 was introduced in the UK in 2003 and it is fair the say the system is a bit tedious to get all the functions to work and even then has proved not to work with some phones or for a lot of owners in the past. You really do have to follow the manual to the letter.


The 370 has brought things up to date and with the optional sat nav system with and the bluetooth makes it a breeze to beam contacts from your phone into the car's system :D

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I just cant believe I did not follow this proceedure.

Because they were already paired and the red light and amber were flashing

plus the phone said they were chatting.

I naturally assumed it was the lead from the module to the headset.

Quite right as you say it is a bit old hat.

On my Nissan Pathfinder Adventura everything was built into the satnav.

I insisted that I had a zed with the OEM sat nav thinking it was the same kind of setup.

It was not until l got the car and played about that l realised that they are not interlinked

and 2 seperate systems.

I can lay my hands on a Pathfinder System. but finding someone to install it is a needle in a haystack job.

And I dont want to buy it until I know someone can put it in.

Thanks for all you help guys and i think we should keep this as alesson what to do 1st lol.

Hows the other gut getting on?



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