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Some people are just f***ers


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Was round at a managers this am sorting out his VPN access. Dumped car in two spaces as I was in a rush. Came back out to find a note saying "Use One Parking Bay" and my passanger wiper broken. The is in a private apartment complex. Wealthy people. And only 3 or so cars using about 15 spaces.




BigPhil where's me new ones???? :teeth: If it rains thee steels strips will pop out of the blade and scrap along the glass.




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  stuey said:
is there any cctv you can check to find the jealous dumb ****............. :rant:


Nope, I called the apartment owner as soon as I saw it and he said he'll contact the residence committee. Not a lot I can do.


Ironic that I order a set of PIAA off BigPhil a little while ago.

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Criminal damage, plain and simple.


There could be a way to force the culprit to own up.....


Insurance premiums are based on (amongst other things) crime rates for the area. If the person wishes to post you a cheque for the damages, they should do so, otherwise you will report the matter to the police, causing an official "crime" to be recorded for the specific area, which will result in everyone forking out a little bit more on their insurance premiums because of one mindless idiot in the complex.


It may work, it may not - but is it worth a shot?

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  GC350z said:
Was round at a managers this am sorting out his VPN access. Dumped car in two spaces as I was in a rush. Came back out to find a note saying "Use One Parking Bay" and my passanger wiper broken.


Man some people can be so petty, coniving and vindictive... gah :angry::angry::angry::rant::rant::rant:


I would be *so* pi**ed off if someone did that. No, in fact I'd be flaming fuming, LIVID, I tell you. I actually have gotten in the habit of parking in 2 spaces as well, space permitting, as I would be seriously pi**ed off if some careless so&so dented my doors due to not having enough space to get into his car. I always however park well away from "close" spots so as not to "use up" the space close to where I'm going, and also only do it if there's plenty of extra parking space. (If the park's nearly full I'll either take my chances or simply go at another time...)

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you have to be so careful doing the parking over two spaces thing. It gets some people so wound up that instead of saving your car it will actually get it damaged by a mad person. I know you didn't do it for that reason but that's probably what they thought - add that to jealousy and hey presto!

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If these sad F--ks haven’t the backbone to confront you face to face, there are other ways to make you think twice about parking like this. I parked a bit selfishly in town once. On my return someone had stuck a ruddy great poster to my screen (about 2ft x 2ft). It took me at least an hour to pick it all off bit by bit. That taught me a far better lessen than this prates effort.

If you find him/her save one of your better punches for this Geordie boy. If its a bloke then aim about 10" below the belly button, if a woman 10" below the chin, right side or left, it dont matter to me :boxing:

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