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Here's a poser for you, why do they sell luggage at airports?


Take a look next time you're travelling abroad, wherever you are in the globe. Every single airport will have several concession stands selling carry-ons, valises, backpacks and suitcases, luggage.


Now, call us overly prepared, but surely if you've got as far as the airport, chances are you're ok for luggage, clearly not. Clearly these shops have sprung up to facilitate the ever-growing idiot convention that meets daily outside your door. In this instance, these shops are required to help moronic holiday makers staggering up to the check-in desk clutching bundles of clothes in their arms, wishing there was an easier way.


While we're on the subject of travel, apparently 70% of British citizens own a passport. That means there's a group even more dense than those buying luggage at airports. About a third of us have no interest in expanding their horizons by literally expanding their horizons. In this day and age, when it's often cheaper to holiday abroad than it is to do so in the UK, there really is no excuse and so it goes, the idiot convention continues to thrive.


And we can't do a thing to stop it.

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to be fair, i have bought a wheeled suitcase when abroad... was on a train tour of italy with my girlfriend, but foolishly packed all our clothes into one massive holdall with no wheels... that got pretty tiring pretty quickly, so bought an even bigger wheeled suitcase and just bunged everything in there. best 15 euros we spent all trip.

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...maybe your luggage zip breaks at the airport? :lol:


I would not laugh, saw a family buying new a suitcase for that very reason.. after they had to pick up their pants off the floor at checkin :lol:


I have always thought the luggage shops on the other side of security are pointless :shrug:

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Whats really annoying are the cretins who get to the check in desk with MAHOOSIVE bags which weigh like, 30kgs... and are waaaaay over the luggage allowance, and then proceed to repack their crap right there are the front of the queue. IDIOTS! how hard is it to check the allowance and weigh it before you get to the airport!?! :bangin:

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Here's a poser for you, why do they sell luggage at airports?


Take a look next time you're travelling abroad, wherever you are in the globe. Every single airport will have several concession stands selling carry-ons, valises, backpacks and suitcases, luggage.


Now, call us overly prepared, but surely if you've got as far as the airport, chances are you're ok for luggage, clearly not. Clearly these shops have sprung up to facilitate the ever-growing idiot convention that meets daily outside your door. In this instance, these shops are required to help moronic holiday makers staggering up to the check-in desk clutching bundles of clothes in their arms, wishing there was an easier way.

Say you overpacked your man suitcase and are over the weight limit and have to remove items and have the option of carry-on, which you have not yet taken, then a luggage shop will be quite handy.


While we're on the subject of travel, apparently 70% of British citizens own a passport. That means there's a group even more dense than those buying luggage at airports. About a third of us have no interest in expanding their horizons by literally expanding their horizons. In this day and age, when it's often cheaper to holiday abroad than it is to do so in the UK, there really is no excuse and so it goes, the idiot convention continues to thrive.


And we can't do a thing to stop it.

Passports are rather essential, even if you never venture abroad in your lifetime.

Say you didn't have a passport, what's the difference between you and an illegal immigrant when you are both asked to provide means of ID by say the police on a routine check?

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Last year on holiday my key decided not to fit into the padlock of my case so not only did I have to buy luggage but also a Stanley knife to cut into my old one :lol:


Wasn't at the airport tho and every time I go past a luggage shop in an airport it's always empty

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I have also seen people buying luggage, mostly smaller carry on bags - they look at their tired well travelled one and then at the tax free super modern one and just trade it up there and then. Like I said, I am pretty sure you can get lots of stuff delivered by the retailer, if you look around the airport there is lots of stuff much too large to carry on so has to be delivered.


...and at the end of the day, its all great advertising - you have hundreds of thousands of travellers, in a travel mindset, looking at your travel products - nothing to stop that working at an advertising level and putting brands top-of-mind when those travellers eventually upgrade their luggage.


Doesn't seem so daft the more you think about it!

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Last year on holiday my key decided not to fit into the padlock of my case so not only did I have to buy luggage but also a Stanley knife to cut into my old one :lol:


Wasn't at the airport tho and every time I go past a luggage shop in an airport it's always empty

Would have been cheaper buying bolt cutters :p

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