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WOW!!! What car is that?

The Bounty Bar Kid

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So on my way home tonight, I was driving through Purley. Got to the traffic lights outside the Pizza Express and had my windows open as usual.


(No music on and so I can listen to the gorgeous exhaust note! :cloud9: )


Anyways, three people standing outside the said Pizza Express, noticed my forum name on the car (had it on since Le Mans and love the look of it) and then proceeded to comment on how nice the car is. One thought it was an AUDI then the other said it was a PORSCHE. :bangin:


Oh the look on their faces when I told them that it was a NISSAN... PRICELESS!!! :#1:

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had a similar experience the other week, was at a large traffic light junction when a guy shouted from about 3 lanes to my left- "what make is it ?" by the look on his face and his passengers they also couldn't believe it was a nissan.


the 350z as been out nearly 10 years and still not that well known :teeth:B)


( i have Z badges but have left the 350z on the back)

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i clearly live in far too posh a town... i hardly ever get a second glance in my zed - people round here are clearly far to used to seeing R8s and GTRs and the like to care about a lowly 350Z (darn Leamington Spa)


Its possible im getting overlooked as I got Gunmetal 'Drizzle' Grey, and have a standard exhaust so nobody hears me coming!

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I was at the traffic lights heading home the other night and a car full of young ladies pulled up next to me( I say a car it was a fiat) and I had my windows down and was talking to my friend. Next minute I hear the girls say I bet daddy brought him that :dummy: I said no I would have asked for a GTR if that was the case :p

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I was waxing the zed last summer at my cousins house. A couple of young lads were walking past not sure what it was. When they asked me I said it's a Lamborghini- they were like "whooooaaaaa... a Lamborghini in our street!"


Poor guys probably still don't know any better :lol:

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  brillomaster said:

i clearly live in far too posh a town... i hardly ever get a second glance in my zed - people round here are clearly far to used to seeing R8s and GTRs and the like to care about a lowly 350Z (darn Leamington Spa)


Its possible im getting overlooked as I got Gunmetal 'Drizzle' Grey, and have a standard exhaust so nobody hears me coming!


HaHa i went to warwick a little while ago ( which is 5 mins away from leaminton spa i believe?) And i saw about 3 zeds within ten minutes of being there i was gutted!!

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yeah, theres quite a few round here... in fact I'm not even the only one at my work! Theres another two gunmetal zeds in the car park most days, and another black roadster i walk past every day!


flashed an azure i saw today as well! I think leamington is zed capital!

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  brillomaster said:

i clearly live in far too posh a town... i hardly ever get a second glance in my zed - people round here are clearly far to used to seeing R8s and GTRs and the like to care about a lowly 350Z (darn Leamington Spa)


Its possible im getting overlooked as I got Gunmetal 'Drizzle' Grey, and have a standard exhaust so nobody hears me coming!


Same here in Chester :( every other car here seems to be a Porsche so the coupe isn't special round here. Even if I drove an R8 or something it wouldn't get any attention as Chester folk are too cool and snobbish to admire someone else's car :shrug:


Changing the exhaust hasn't helped either - I've got a BuddyClub and still no one sneaks a peek. :lol:



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