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Wimbledon starts this week, bet you didn't realise. To be honest, we didn't. Normally we'd have known about it for months, but not this year. We've just been too busy. We've been frantically waving plastic flags and nibbling on badly-made cakes in honour of dear old Liz. Then of course a large chunk of us have been busy cheering on England in the Euros. It's hard work coping with the repeated cardiac arrests brought on by following this country's surviving national team as they enjoy ongoing victory/suffer humiliating failure (delete as applicable, depending on when you read this). Then, of course, there's the Olympics. We've been busy panicking about whether or not London will actually be able to cope with the impending influx of visitors keen to experience this rather expensive and drawn-out version of sports day in all it's glory. So we just haven't had time to spare a thought for poor old Andy Murray. And even within the Tennis world, Wimbledon's going to have to go a long way to beat the Queen's final when that man with the long namewas disqualified for kicking a line judge. Andy will have to fire a baby out of a cannon and into the crowd or something. Anyway, for what it's worth, enjoy the Tennis. If you're not too busy.

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If you're not too busy.



I'll be concentrating on The Tour de France :thumbs: . Not saying tennis is boring but the women's game is dominated by gigantic shrieking Eastern Europeans who all look the same and have similar names. In the men's they may as well scrap the rounds and start at the semi-final :lol: .




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Murray seems very boring but he's a good player. Unfortunately the gap between top three and 4th is huge!


I also hate the media hype setting everyone up to fail!




I'm sure most Murray haters don't like him as 'he's a boring Scottish tw&t' and that's fine.

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