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4 wheel alignment problems!!


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Hey guys I just went to my local 4 wheel tracking garage to (AA Tyres in Cardiff) and they had problems tracking my car.


Firstly the Front o/s.... the camber is just slightly out of its threshold and is 0.01 degrees over the green zone


secondly and more of a "worry :("

The Rear o/s the toe was wayyy out and the toe slightly. but whenever they adjusted the toe the camber would get worse and whenever they adjusted the camber the toe would get worse. They had a good look and everything "looked straight" however they said it could be a guessing game with parts to what is causing the problem. my car has only coverd 11,000 miles and im really stumped as to what steps I should take to rectify this. any suggestions and opinions would be immensely appreciated and hopefully its the garage doing something wrong. Please find below the print out of the before and after

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My first suggestion is to take it to a proper garage rather than a frnachised AA place.

A reputable independatn with full laser kit would be my first choice.



Is your car lowered? or have aftermarket alloys?

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Honestly? My first choice would be to take it somewhere else to see if they find the same thing, but obviously don't tell them that there might be problems. If your usual place can't see anything immediately wrong then it's unlikely to be a cheap fix regardless, so a quick £80 alignment may not be a complete waste of time if they can find something from a clean perspective.

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well good suggestions so far :) the garage isnt an AA franchise im sorry to get it wrong its A+A tyre services. They do have a 4 wheel lazer tracking facility aswell. I suppose I could take it somewhere else. really strange how the camber and toe both are moving off the same adjuster though I was seeing it live as the computer was monitoring it and also the car is completely stock on rays wheels

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  Ekona said:

Definitely take it elsewhere, if nothing else you rule out incompetence.





I had a place in Swindon telling me I must have bent suspension arms and all sorts. They were supposedly a reputable place so I was a bit concerned, however when it went to DMS they sorted the alignment in about 10 minutes without any dramas.

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its not unusual for one adjustment to effect another.


You normaly set one first then the other to minimise the effect the adjustment has. I think its camber then toe but I cant remember.



It really does sound like you need to take the car somewhere else.


I used a place in the past where "all the gear, no idea" seemed apt. I got a full refund when they failed miserably to set my wheel alignment.


p.s dont worry about 0.01deg. It is so small you would never notice.

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  Seabee said:

Thanks for the advise mate I'm feeling more at ease now, if anyone knows any decent places around south Wales please dnt hesitate to suggest any :)


http://www.aviaspeedshop.co.uk/services.php in Bridgend have come up in conversation on Pistonheads, so I was going to give them a go when I need my zed looking at :thumbs: I've not used them personally and the last time I had a full alignment done (other car) it was at Powerstation in Tewkesbury.

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Ok well I've just been down to avia in Bridgend and still no joy! Andy the owner really knew his stuff but sadly this even pickled his mind! Both garages are telling me something just isn't right but nothing obvious (arms bolts, bushes) seem good, Andy only concluded it might be the subframe but that's still a guess.... My idea is to maybe just buy some adjustable toe and camber arms and

See if that works? What do you recon guys? Ps the toe on the o/s rear is now +5mm camber is sitting ok.

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Not the world's worst idea. I had very similar issues to yours on my old car, however my trouble was the camber on the front refusing to go where it should be on the O/S. In the end, and after many hours had been spent on it by DMS (who I'm still grateful for to this day) and on their recommendation, I purchased some camber adjustable front arms along with some rear toe arms, and although we never did quite pin down the cause of the issue certainly by fitting the parts it worked an absolute treat.


Not a cheap option, but an effective one.

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Yea I'm pretty shore both shops knew that plus the n/s was no problem at all to adjust. The dilemma I'm in is do I go to more garages telling me something is wrong but they don't know what or do I spend ~£200 on a decent rear camber/toe kit.... :bang:

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