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Another newb....North Cumbria this time

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Hi all

Thought it only right that i finally quickly introduce myself on here.

My name is Mark & i'm from up near Carlisle. Anyone else here from my neck o the woods?

Parted company with my Porsche Cayman S about 3 weeks ago. Did a deal with a trader down in Surrey on an 09 370z GT (met twighlight grey) FNSH & only 8k miles on he clock :D

All pretty standard except mine has the Nismo S-Tune rear spoiler fitted which (for me) makes what is already an awesome car look even meaner :thumbs:


Chuffed to bits with it & so far its all good.

Had an initial worry Re a slightly rough transmission sound during idleing with the clutch released (ie in the up position) but the workshop controller at my local main dealer told me that what i'm hearing is 100% normal on these boxes>>>>Phew, Kindda relieved about that!! Still had the noise logged though.


I've already been in touch with some dealers on here about mods. Specifically lowering my 'Z' with the Eibach Pro Kit springs. Also probably fitting Eibach 25mm wheel spacers too. Lots of other ideas for the future of course.

I was ready order these mods today but thought it might be a good idea to check with my insurers (Direct Line) first to see how they viewed a/m mods....OMG can you believe they are asking me for £250+ just for doing the lowering mod! That takes the P***!!!

You don't want to know how much extra they'd need from me if i wanted to fit an aftermarket cat back exhaust!! :angry:

Going to call some other insurers tomorrow (including two who are affiliated to this site) to see what they can offer me.


Cheers for reading & apologies for the rather long 'quick introduction'



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Welcome, welcome. :wave::wave: Enjoy the 370, looks like it needs some mileage on it, hardly driven over the 3 years of it's life.


  Will370z said:

Nice car, spoiler suits it well

It sure does. Gives it a bit more visual weight at the back to balance out the long nose.

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Thanks for the warm welcome. I can see i'm going to like it on here :)


So JAY ...Your thinking of going from a 370 to a Cayman S yeah.

Mine was a Gen 1 Cayman S 2006 (Artic Silver)

My view...both great cars. Only reason i decided to part company with my Porsche was due to the fact it was showing the startings of a input shaft problem in the gearbox..Ouch!!!

Think a deal on the Nissan was the right way to go.


FWIW This is the way i see it>

Nissan Plus points-- slightly faster, definitly more comfortable to drive including the ride (porsche had a choppy ride), Fuel economy very similar (despite what the figures say), Better interior (prob due to the fact it is a newer car), More aggressive looking (seems to be admired more by younger people where the Porsche tended to appeal to the over 40's), More effective Aircon unit, Better Bose system, Cheaper servicing/parts.


Porsche plus points -- Prestige of the badge, Handled slightly better (probably due to flat 6 mid engine configuration), Begs to be driven, Could perhaps say it was slightly more fun due to intoxicating progressive roar from the exhaust. Possibly depreciates less than a 'Z' (though it is only the 911's that keep depreciation down to a minimum), Rear parking sensors.


Thats all i can think of for now but im sure there'll be more. Any further questions fire away :thumbs:

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Hi mate, west coaster here, there's a couple of us from the Egremont-Maryport area. I've been known to organise the odd meet, so keep 'em peeled.


AK350Z...sounds good mate keep me posted.

I'm actually in Wigton btw so only 20mins away from Maryport. Slightly further away from Mont.

Not too many 'Z's up here. Nice to have something abit different :thumbs:

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