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Tennis getting ugly


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In Tennis rules are rules, especially when it comes to unsportsmanlike conduct its a big thing for them.


Apparently the judge did have a gash in his shin - I like Nalbandian, but in that moment, there was no need for that.

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They do indeed, any unsportsmanlike conduct is a disqualification. But due to all the fans who were there they should have allowed the match to continue and addressed after like in F1.


They could still have DQ'd him and avoided all the fans being pisses off . Agree though totally uncalled for.

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I suppose its a tough one, why would Nalbandian play on, and in fact even try, if he knows he is already disqualified? He must have known straight away what would happen.


Something like docking them a set and awarding it to the opponent might work in certain circumstances.

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Yeah how could you carry on :shrug: In a team game it wouldn't matter so much. It looked like he kicked the barrier thing round the guys feet and followed through but still very unprofessional.... No doubt the guy will sue him for millions for something that he could have got from bashing into a coffee table :headhurt:

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It's a shame he wasn't allowed to play on purely for the fans who had paid good money to be there.

My brothers a coach there, he told me tickets are £150 each! You can tell why they were annoyed.


I think Nalbandian thought it was a solid box so it wouldn't have disintegrated like it did.

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