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A few 350z Issues


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Hi there


I have a few issues with my Z and i hope that somebody can point me in the right direction


1, When setting off or coming to a stop, something under the car 'clicks'. What could this be? Driveshafts? Brakes?


2, There is a distinct knocking on the front nearside of the vehicle, i have had the car inspected up on some ramps by a garage but they cannot seem to find the issue. Maybe someone on here can point me directly to the issue. I thought maybe bottom arm or something similar?


3, The windscreen washers are appauling :clap: Is there an easy fix?


Thanks in advance people

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If the clicks from the rear it's probably the rear axles, either live with it or there's a fix on here if you can DIY it! Mine has it but doesn't bother me.


front knocking could be compression arm bushes. When does it knock? If it is the bushes you can replace just the bush fairly easily but you'll need to press it in and out of the arm.


Not sure about winsdscreen washers!

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My windscreen washers are crap, but they are constantly getting blocked, have a look at the small rubber pipe under the bonnet you might find clearing it helps.


The click when pulling away could be the notorious Zed rear clicky CV joint problem, is it coming from the back from one side or the other or deffo underneath? There was also a thread on here recently about someone complaining of clanky rear axle - Use Search top right corner, it will help.

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Compression Rod ball joint or bushes, Sway bar drop links and bushes, Lower hub carrier ball joint are all prone to cause front suspension knocking:


Greaze and rotate for the clicky axle issue for a temporary fix or fit new for permanent fix.


Clean out your washer lines and the non return valve to help your washer issue or replace the valve and pumps:


All the above in stock if required, and good to go same, next day.


Alex :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you all for the advice, if i get the car up on the ramps...would the bushes be easy to notice if they have had it? I think changing all of the bottom arms, drop links etc could get costly


I am going to have a look for the DIY fix on the axle and washers and i will report back :)



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  2222Piggy said:

Thank you all for the advice, if i get the car up on the ramps...would the bushes be easy to notice if they have had it? I think changing all of the bottom arms, drop links etc could get costly


I am going to have a look for the DIY fix on the axle and washers and i will report back :)





A failed compression rod bush is easy to spot, however the ball joints can be a bit more trickier.


Alex :)

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Evening all


Ive tried the search bar and i cant find anything to do with the clicking axel


Nissan have quoted 99 to rectify the problem....i am handy with a spanner, i rebuilt my other car from scratch (albeit a rover) so i think i may be able to do this if someone can maybe link me to the right page?



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ref the washers....had the same problem.i removed the valve ,located under the brake fluid access lid,drilled through it and refitted.never had a problem since and the washers work better than ever. ;)

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