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Gearbox removal and rebuild


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Hi there, I suspect I have a bust input shaft bearing (noise in neutral with clutch up that goes when clutch down) on my gearbox. I have had a quote from a Nissan dealer of £920 for removal and sending out to a specialist for overhaul (which accounts for £650 of the £920). That cost only includes replacement of bearings, no other replacements. I don't know how reasonable that quote is, any thoughts?


I'd be interested in dropping the gearbox myself and sending it direct to the specialist but don't know who they are. Any recommendations of gearbox specialists? I live near Cambridge but could drop it off reasonably far away or use palletline. Looking at the Nissan Service Manual it talks about removing the starter motor and rear engine mounting member. :scare: I can muster the courage to remove the gearbox but loosening the engine too makes me feel out of my depth. Anyone done this job (e.g. for clutch change) and able to offer some advice.


If I do the gearbox removal/installation myself and go direct to a specialist I should save quite a bit :)

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  Beavis said:

Could this just possibly be just a noisy clutch release/thrust bearing and not a problemwith the gearbox? This is a common issue with the zed you know ;)


Thanks for the quick respone Beavis. I wondered about the clutch release bearing but wouldn't that give noise when the clutch is down and not when it is up? I left it at the dealer for them to poke around and they thought it was the input shaft bearing of the gearbox.

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Hi mate I have recently dropped my gearbox off the car for a clutch change and input shaft bearing.

I had exactly the same symptoms as you.


Taking the gearbox off the car is pretty straight forward, i'd never done it before and it took me and a friend around 3 hours. The hardest part was actually taking the exhaust apart as the bolts were all seized.


Now the input shaft bearing on my gearbox had a bit of wear and i assumed that was causing my whining noise, so i decided i wanted to replace it.

However, there was absolutly no way whatsoever i could split the transmission casing from the adaptor plate, nissan glue the dowles solid :surrender: i decided to quit whilst i was ahead, hitting it any harder would probably crack the casing.

I had a quote from leek transmissions to split the box and replace the bearings was going to cost circa £500, screw that.

I can live with abit of transmission whine for £500 haha.

Knowing that my box is mechanicly on working order and will be fine for atleast another 10,000miles i ended working out it be more cost effective to just stick my box back on and replace the whole unit when it does eventually stop working.

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Cheers sunshine. Mine's more than the normal level of noise. The feel of the gearbox is one of the things I really like about the 350Z, some might call it clunky but I like it.


When you took the gearbox off did you have to remove any suspension parts or loosen the engine? The exhaust sounds a pain too. I'm guessing a pit or lift is essential for this job so I would pop to a DIY garage to do it.

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No its alot easier than that. I did mine over a pit, i wouldnt reccomend doing this unless you can get atleat 5ft of access under the car and a strong mate.


You have to remove the exhaust y-peice, propshaft, all electrical connectors on the transmission, starter motor, clutch slave cylinder (de engine), gear stick inside the car, some covers around the transmission.

Then theres the 14/17mm bolts that attatch the bellhousing to the engine, ( theres two at the top you have to get from the engine bay).

Then you have to support the transmission with something, and undo the rear cross member, the box should then just pull off the dowels and drop down.


If you can get a impact gun and a blow torch the exhaust wont be too difficult but be prepared to drill out snapped bolts.

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By the way, it may be worth noting that if you dont have all the required equipment, you may find it cheaper and alot less hassle to bite the bullet and get a garage to do it, (not nissan).

I was quoted around the 200-250 mark by garages around here to drop the box off, change clutch/flywheel and put it all back together.


Because i have acces to all the equipment and a pit and i like getting my hands dirty i opted to diy it.

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  Jez said:

In that case, yup - sounds like you need a rebuild.


You should be able to find a box rebuild place somewhere near Cambridge. Let me know if you can't find anywhere - I maybe able to help.


I've spent a fair amount of time looking on Google and haven't found anywhere near Cambridge. If you are able to suggest anywhere that would be great.

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Have you thought about just replacing the gearbox? I just had mine swapped for a newer one rather than refurbing as in my view it worked out as better value. I got a 23k mile 2006 gearbox for less than the quoted cost for your bearing replacement. I got Jez at H-dev to fit mine but if you felt up to it people seem to be suggesting you could do it yourself. Just a thought.



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  DannyBoy said:

Have you thought about just replacing the gearbox? I just had mine swapped for a newer one rather than refurbing as in my view it worked out as better value. I got a 23k mile 2006 gearbox for less than the quoted cost for your bearing replacement. I got Jez at H-dev to fit mine but if you felt up to it people seem to be suggesting you could do it yourself. Just a thought.




Interesting thought DannyBoy. Where did you get the replacement gearbox from? Did they need to take the old gearbox off you as part of the deal?

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  DizzyDatsun said:
  DannyBoy said:

Have you thought about just replacing the gearbox? I just had mine swapped for a newer one rather than refurbing as in my view it worked out as better value. I got a 23k mile 2006 gearbox for less than the quoted cost for your bearing replacement. I got Jez at H-dev to fit mine but if you felt up to it people seem to be suggesting you could do it yourself. Just a thought.




Interesting thought DannyBoy. Where did you get the replacement gearbox from? Did they need to take the old gearbox off you as part of the deal?


Original thread here viewtopic.php?f=10&t=59120 and I still have my old gearbox which I'll probably flog dirt cheap on ebay as a restoration project.


If you have the time to find one then I think a new gearbox would be the best solution, especially if you have an earlier DE engined car as the gearboxes from the later cars (up to 2006) were significantly better and will be newer/lower mileage.



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Ok some frantic Googling has tracked down a CD009 gearbox at a price I am prepared to go for. I was wanting to be sure about compatibility though. The guy at the Nissan garage said to check that it has a Release Bearing rather than the later Concentric Slave Cylinder. Apparently the change happened in 2007 and it's a 2007 gearbox. How likely am I to have problems here?


It would be really bad to end up with two useless gearboxes! Anyone able to help clarify for me?

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  DizzyDatsun said:

Ok some frantic Googling has tracked down a CD009 gearbox at a price I am prepared to go for. I was wanting to be sure about compatibility though. The guy at the Nissan garage said to check that it has a Release Bearing rather than the later Concentric Slave Cylinder. Apparently the change happened in 2007 and it's a 2007 gearbox. How likely am I to have problems here?


It would be really bad to end up with two useless gearboxes! Anyone able to help clarify for me?


If it's a CDoo9 gearbox (shown by a sticker on the bell housing) then it will not have the concentric slave cylinder of the later gearboxes. It most likely came from a late-registered DE Rev-Up car. Out of interest, what are you paying for it? because i've seen some people taking the p!ss with CD009s recently.



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Thanks for the help everyone, looking forwar to getting back on the road. :drive1


Another compatibility question. I have heard that there is a different clutch pivot ball for pre 2004 and 2004-6 ( http://my350z.com/forum/engine-and-drivetrain/556526-upgrade-to-cd009-transmission.html ). the 2004-6 seems to use the shorter clutch pivot ball ( http://www.importpartspro.com/chclpiba04ni.html ). Does the 2007 use the same shorter clutch pivot ball?


A question about fitting. A friend has raised concerns about ordering the gearbox from one company and having a second fit it as if there is a problem they could end up pointing the finger at each other. In particular, concerns about damage to the input shaft during fitting. I had my clutch done (at the same place am considering now) about 10k ago and that makes me wonder if they damaged the input shaft or bearing doing that. Realistic concerns?

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