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What am I to do!


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Well, I and Roxy have had a wonderful honeymoon period, every morning just before work, I give her the eye, sometimes running my hand over her lovely body before opening her up and slowly easing myself inside her, then with a twist of my hand I stir her into life and our journey begins, its been like this since I first met this oriental beauty but little did she know as I man handled her in the New Forest on our way to work, that this morning would be our last time together for a few days, I have to leave her now, on her own while I take a German, who been round the block far too many times to Rockingham.

What I am to do without my Roxy (KT54RXY) :byebye:

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Well, I and Roxy have had a wonderful honeymoon period, every morning just before work, I give her the eye, sometimes running my hand over her lovely body before opening her up and slowly easing myself inside her, then with a twist of my hand I stir her into life and our journey begins, its been like this since I first met this oriental beauty but little did she know as I man handled her in the New Forest on our way to work, that this morning would be our last time together for a few days, I have to leave her now, on her own while I take a German, who been round the block far too many times to Rockingham.

What I am to do without my Roxy (KT54RXY) :byebye:




I seem to remember stories like this in 'Fiesta' about 30 years ago. And for you youngsters I dont mean Ford Fiesta ;)

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Mine must be an oriental ladyboy as I grab her knob, gently until she has warmed up a bit, and then once I am sure she can take it I give it some welly and enjoy the ride :cloud9:

Seriously Dave, I'm going to change your rank to Forum Perv soon :p:lol:

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I seem to remember stories like this in 'Fiesta' about 30 years ago. And for you youngsters I dont mean Ford Fiesta ;)


You read the stories? :lol:

Someone must have, otherwise they wouldn't have had them in there :lol:

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I seem to remember stories like this in 'Fiesta' about 30 years ago. And for you youngsters I dont mean Ford Fiesta ;)


You read the stories? :lol:


Only when all the other pages were stuck together....

Lol. Mine is definitely a lady. I do enjoy taking her out every now and then for spanking. And when she's been naughty I spank her even harder. I'll tell you one thing, no man could ride her like I do or as hard as I do. Some days I just stare at her sexual curves and something stirs inside of me that I just have to have her then and there. Oh the endless nights I dreamt about her and even now she's in my possession, the dreams just carry on. Sometimes I wake up in a sweat. Yep the dreams have been that good!


Oh how I love to get her all wet and then give that dirty girl a damn good scrubbing so she sparkles and looks her best for me. Then I give her a damn good polishing off and end with covering her all over with my special natural wax.



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