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In depth Z4 review - ***TEXT HEAVY***


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Got until 19th for my car to sell.....not rushing into anything because that's how I ended up with the Z4.


Not that the Z4 has really done anything badly that it wasn't supposed too.....it's just not for me. I've never been a BMW man.....I don't think I ever will.


The engine noise just doesn't cut it for me from those flat 6's :dry:

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My mums husband got a CL 500 a year ago,and it is pretty epic. His one is the later engine and gearbox,so its a 7 speed auto. At 70mph its just above 1k RPM. The later 500,s were a NA 5.4 i believe,where as the earlier ones were a 5l. He had a CLK before that,and he thought it was rubbish. Build quality was shocking,and the feel and touch of everything was worse than my mums mk1 SLK (his words not mine) If you can afford it,go for the CL,its a total barge,but its a epic way to travel. Yes the wood trim is abit gash,but you can wrap that,or im sure buy some aluminium replacements from somewhere. Remember Top Gear,Clarkson bought one,and needed to replace the coil pack,at £1200 or something. So be warned,it maybe 10k now,but its still a £100k car when it goes wrong. Also,sourcing tyres can be an issue, as the Merc ones are specific to the CL i think.

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Cl500 the old ones are 5l the newer ones are 5.4 but could be wrong. Merc parts are cheaper as long as you dont go the Merc for them. Merc parts are much cheaper than Nissan parts too. You have have to take anything clarkson says with salt.

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Cl500 the old ones are 5l the newer ones are 5.4 but could be wrong. Merc parts as long as you don't go to merc are cheaper than Nissan parts. You have have to take anything clarkson says with salt.


Are you drunk? Or posting whilst on a rollercoaster?? :lol:

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Cl500 the old ones are 5l the newer ones are 5.4 but could be wrong. Merc parts as long as you don't go to merc are cheaper than Nissan parts. You have have to take anything clarkson says with salt.


Are you drunk? Or posting whilst on a rollercoaster?? :lol:


in what way?

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Apparently the 7 speed box is far more complex and more likely to have issues so I'm ok on that front.


I need to drive one too really......I mean how much better can a V12 be in comparison to a V8....V12 just stinkers of 'smoothness' I want to be able to hear the damn thing.

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Bloke coming to look at the Z4 on sunday!!


I'm still really unsure which merc to replace with


If it's clk then I basically want that brabus one even with its problems for about a grand less than advertised.


CL looks better externally but it's got a sort of dated thing going on.

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Erm .....yeah......searching the mb forum re the V12 does not return happy results at all!


I get what your saying but you put any car into a search engine/forum search and you will always get negative things and problems but that's what the forums are usually about. You dont get many threads saying the 350z is great compared to I have a clicky axel or its bad on fuel as an example.


When buying/running a merc if your fairly handy with the spanners you can run them for much less than the 350 as parts are easy to come by. But dealers are a rip of and Indy's are expensive. Your not going to be a pauper if you drive a merc generally. Im not too clued up of the v12 engine but I don't see why it wouldn't be reliable. All cars have problems and the forums generally exaggerate them. MB would give their flagship a dodgy engine I wouldn't have thought.


Oil changes and the likes do your self as its much much much cheaper. Also Merc are good fun to work on. 1. loads of room 2. it was designed to be changed 3. big bolts. Much easier than working on the 350 in that way. They are fairly simple to work on e.g. oil filter is at the top. Im not sure about the v12 but the v8 takes 2 spark plugs per cylinder so thats 16 plugs. Even an indy will charge you a fair bit to do it but you could do it yourself and save £300-£400. Oil changes are easy but they take 9litres I think or is it 7 litres? Its things like airmatic and the fibre optic cd changer when they fail it can cost money to fix but if your savvy you can do them on the cheap too.


Honestly you NEED to drive both otherwise no matter what you buy you will have wished you got the other :thumbs:

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Ok chaps what do you reckon......been offered 7k cash for the Z4 but got it up for 7500.


Personally I feel like its taking the **** a bit but aside from one guy who didn't turn up it's the only sniff I've had.


I'm not desperate to sell and still got to wait for the new tax disc and MOT any way (not to mention the V5 but there are ways and means around that).


Advert runs until the 19th :snack:

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I know. I Offered to drop to 7300 but he said he only had 7k.


Offered to split car and hard top.....I've walk away at 6800 but he dug heels in.


Surely in can't take a grand loss on a car I bought in the dead of winter 6 months ago!

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I know. I Offered to drop to 7300 but he said he only had 7k.


Offered to split car and hard top.....I've walk away at 6800 but he dug heels in.


Surely in can't take a grand loss on a car I bought in the dead of winter 6 months ago!


If you've not had much interest, then it may be time to take what you can get. As you say your not in a desperate hurry to sell, but what if in 6 months you've still got it, you could probably knock another £500+ off the asking price..... and so on as the months pass :shrug:

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I know. I Offered to drop to 7300 but he said he only had 7k.


Offered to split car and hard top.....I've walk away at 6800 but he dug heels in.


Surely in can't take a grand loss on a car I bought in the dead of winter 6 months ago!


The first offer is sometimes the best offer but who knows..... give is a couple of weeks and some sunshine and someone might bite your hand off at £7.5k. All depends how itchy your feet are and how much of a loss you can bear, remember you will be in a decent bargaining position when buying ;)

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When selling a car, i always stick it up at maybe 7-10% more than what i expect to get for it. That wayit leaves some bargaining room so when you get knocked down you can accept that offer, and then both parties feel like they've got a good result. :thumbs:

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Problem is though if I priced it like that then no one would give it a second look.


Grrrr.....I'm gonna end up having to take this chimps offer aren't I.


Slung it on pistonheads too seeing that its only a tenner

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