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Car on ramps fail


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I tried to get the car on to them caravan level up ramps earlier,both ends,and failed miserably! :blush:

I put some chocks behind the ramps on the front,as the car wouldn't go up them,just move them forward. Then, the back wheels decided that they would gobble up the ramps and spit them quite violently under the wheels and out the back. This happens twice,then I gave up. What's the best way to get the car up on these ramps,as it was very frustrating.

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Don't bother. Use some planks of wood and make a long stepped ramp to raise the front of the car to get a trolley jack on. Or, use one plank of wood per normal metal ramp to reduce the angle so that you can drive up onto normal ramps. Put some supporting wood under the planks to take the strain. You need something approximating scaffolding wood. Most DIY stores do them and you can get them to cut them to size as well.

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  Zugara said:

Jack the car up, place ramps under wheels, lower car onto ramps.... :thumbs:


Wanted to use these ramps to make my life easier for jacking the car up. If i jack the car up,then its pointless using the ramps,i may as well just put axle stands straight under it. Wanted to avoid using the jack 4x to get axle stands under it. Thought these ramps would mean i could just jack the car up twice and that would be it.

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  CarrotCakeIsYum said:

When I use ramps I tie luggage straps to the front of them, lay them out flat and drive over the straps. As you drive up the ramp the rear/front wheels (depending on which end you're getting up in the air) are over the straps and stop the ramps sliding.


Thats a good idea,as the weight of the car on the straps will hold the ramp in place while i drive up it. Thought that by having 4 of these ramps, I could simply drive up them,and just the car up either end to get the wheels off and clean them.

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Borrow a couple of people for 30 seconds and get them to place their foot in front of the ramps. I don't think it would much force behind them to stop them from moving forward with the wheels.

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