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Retaining clip


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I changed pads rotors and added HEL lines at the weekend and bled each of the 8 nipples 7 times to flush through new fluid. However now the brakes are extremely spongy when the car is running, solid when off. I don't think it could be air in the system as the reservoir didn't run dry and there were no signs of air whilst beeding into the tube I attached to the nipples.


I've searched around the forum and anyone who seems to have the same problem gets the same answers, air. I don't think it is for the reasons I explained above. I googled for a fix and found a guy on a Saab forum who discovered his identical problems were caused by the "retaining clips" being in the wrong way.


I wasn't sure what these were with being a bit of a noob and all, so googled these as well. Google through up loads of pictures and sites pointing to the clips that attach to the rubber brake line where it goes through a bracket and attaches to the hard lines. I had to remove this bracket to get rid of the OEM lines and fit the HEL's. It was rusted solid so ultimately had to be ripped to shreds to be removed and so therefore wasn't fitted back onto the HEL lines once fitted.


To me those wee clips just stop the lines from falling through the hole in the bracket and offer nothing since the lines is fixed to the cars hardlines and can't fall through anyway.


So, is it possible that not having these clips is causing the lines to move under load or something or maybe I am missing the point of them and they are actually important? Also, maybe they are talking about some other retaining clip other than what I found? Some other forums, mainly bike ones, refer to the shims as retaining clips but I know I have refitted those in correctly on all 8 pads.


Sorry for it being such a loooong post, but hoping I can sort something instead of having fork out a load of cash to a garage to diagnose the problem and fix. Afterall, the point of fitting all this myself is to save money.


Thanks in advance for any ideas or imput. :thumbs:

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