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What is going on with the world ????


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I live in Greenwich and woolwich is a bout a ten minute drive, my girlfriend read in the paper about the rise of Violence with kids in the area, it was two weeks ago they shot a woman waiting for a bus. Police still cant arrest anyone as no one will open their mouths as to who done it cos they are scared of getting caught. However these kids boast about doing similar things. :rant:


Check this out:




Makes me sick :yuck:


The idiots post themselves up on the web and other gangs are doing the same. :thumbdown:

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When I was a kid we were afraid of the law and got a clip round the ear if we stepped out of line. Now the little f*****s get away with whatever they want. You can tell I don't have kids ;).


As a result of many factors kids are away that they can do just about anything they want without consequence until they turn 18.


Parents, government, society, tv, cinema - you could blame some or all of them until you're blue in the face but it wont help.


Society needs to grow a pair and bring back some kind of discipline to put fear into them.

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they all need a kick up the arse instead of being a burden on society.........

kids wernt involved in shootins and stabbins when i was a kid.........and it all seems to be about religon.......... :wacko:


I dont think these kids know what religion is, I think its all about image, trying to act grown up, yet they have a misrepresentation of what grown up is because of the rappers on T.V. Basically a modern day version of cowboy and indians, except they have real guns and hurt people for real.


I think they make up stories of how hard their lives are so that it replicates the typical story of a rappers growning up in his neighborhood. They are a confused bunch. And I really do blame their parents, the parents should be locked up.


Its sad the society that we are living in now, I think Im gonna move to Canada in 5 years time unless it changes round here. :(:angry:

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i also think that there is alot of racial tension in this country too...........which fuels this kinda behavoir :boxing:


True, thats what I dont get they come here, they hate white people (so what the hell are they doing here in the first place), then you have muslems who complain to the councel if you have a British flag up, the councel tells you to take it down, but yet it is okay for Africans to have their flags up as it show cultural support. Yet If I went to a muslem country I would be killed because I would not be allowed to practice my Christian Belief. :wacko:


England is the proud country it once was. At least my race respected the law and order when they came over many moons ago. Then it meant something and people were pround to be part of this country, I agree some groups went to far like the NF but now the country is falling to peaces. :angry:


Also just read that the Government in order to support their argument for charging for congestion, they have been delaying traffic lights and doing more road construction than necessary to support congestion charge. After congestion charge took place they speeded up traffic movement with quicker light changes and less road works, to show that because of congestion charge its improved.


So in short, The poxy Government have manipulated the system in order to benifit themselves. W@NKERS !!!!!!!




No point starting a revolt as does nothing, I say we should hire an assasin :ninja::ninja:


Not to kill them but just to kidnap them and send them to Timbuktoo :D

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Guest prescience
i also think that there is alot of racial tension in this country too...........which fuels this kinda behavoir :boxing:


True, thats what I dont get they come here, they hate white people (so what the hell are they doing here in the first place), then you have muslems who complain to the councel if you have a British flag up, the councel tells you to take it down, but yet it is okay for Africans to have their flags up as it show cultural support. Yet If I went to a muslem country I would be killed because I would not be allowed to practice my Christian Belief. :wacko:


England is the proud country it once was. At least my race respected the law and order when they came over many moons ago. Then it meant something and people were pround to be part of this country, I agree some groups went to far like the NF but now the country is falling to peaces. :angry:


Also just read that the Government in order to support their argument for charging for congestion, they have been delaying traffic lights and doing more road construction than necessary to support congestion charge. After congestion charge took place they speeded up traffic movement with quicker light changes and less road works, to show that because of congestion charge its improved.


So in short, The poxy Government have manipulated the system in order to benifit themselves. W@NKERS !!!!!!!




No point starting a revolt as does nothing, I say we should hire an assasin :ninja::ninja:


Not to kill them but just to kidnap them and send them to Timbuktoo :D


I'm sure you're a nice guy but the above is racist I'm sorry to say; no amount of wishing something different is misguded IMO.


We need, as a multi-cultural multi-racial society, to give the next generation something to want to contribute to rather than parking them off in a corner and forgetting that you will get bit in the butt if you do.

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i also think that there is alot of racial tension in this country too...........which fuels this kinda behavoir :boxing:


True, thats what I dont get they come here, they hate white people (so what the hell are they doing here in the first place), then you have muslems who complain to the councel if you have a British flag up, the councel tells you to take it down, but yet it is okay for Africans to have their flags up as it show cultural support. Yet If I went to a muslem country I would be killed because I would not be allowed to practice my Christian Belief. :wacko:


England is the proud country it once was. At least my race respected the law and order when they came over many moons ago. Then it meant something and people were pround to be part of this country, I agree some groups went to far like the NF but now the country is falling to peaces. :angry:


Also just read that the Government in order to support their argument for charging for congestion, they have been delaying traffic lights and doing more road construction than necessary to support congestion charge. After congestion charge took place they speeded up traffic movement with quicker light changes and less road works, to show that because of congestion charge its improved.


So in short, The poxy Government have manipulated the system in order to benifit themselves. W@NKERS !!!!!!!




No point starting a revolt as does nothing, I say we should hire an assasin :ninja::ninja:


Not to kill them but just to kidnap them and send them to Timbuktoo :D


I'm sure you're a nice guy but the above is racist I'm sorry to say; no amount of wishing something different is misguded IMO.


We need, as a multi-cultural multi-racial society, to give the next generation something to want to contribute to rather than parking them off in a corner and forgetting that you will get bit in the butt if you do.


Have to agree with Dorian here. Some of that is a bit mis-informed and unfounded to say the least mate :blush:

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Its not racist, its tryin to create a cultural bridge of understanding amongst a diverse culture. If we live in England then we should not hide the flag of our nation. as I said before I am half Indian and part Morrocan, my mothers mum was one of the secretaries for Le Pen in France (national front), but yet my mother became educated and realised we are all one, my brother is adopted, he is half Jamaican, my mother is French, with an Italian mixed. If anyone knows about accepting all its me, but when our own Government does not allow us to put flags up during world cup, and yet does nothing to some muslems in Hide Park burning it, please tell me where is the cultural bridge. I have nothing against diverse beliefs, but if I can be accused of anything, its that im racist against people who refuse to open up and make consideration to other cultures. And racist against people who seek to destroy other cultures. Im sick of people feeling like they are so hard done by other races, colour, sex when in return they close off and turn their backs on outsiders, ruining the bridges of social diversity. If they are that so against it, then what the hell are they doing in this country.


I guess this hits me more, because I had two friends who were missionaries in Pakistan Salkot, they tried to help the sick and educate kids so that they would not be forced into child labour, they did not try and impose their own beliefs on the nation as they respected theirs, but one was exicuted out there by a muslim sect because he had a Bible. Again where is the cultural Bridge there. Yet we offer over here.


My best friend Majid is Muslim, but at the end of the day I see him for who he is, an equal and a brother because he accepts me for me.


And i am just trying to expres that this is how it should be, appreciate others heritage, understand we are all equal, and understand that if we are to move forward cultural bridges must be made, rather than some woolwich boy with a gun meeting us half way across that bridge.

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Does anyone over there work for TfL or DfT.

I think that story is rubbish and just hyped journalism. Typical they will make changes/tweaks to the system to improve flow over time, however deliberately misleading the public by creating a jam and then freeing that after charging people money is suicide.

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Its been mentioned alot on the other 350z site as its been heard therfe as well, perhaps it is over hyped journalism, but then on Kiss 100 they wre talking about Blair giving Knighthood way before it hit the papers, so I wouldnt be surprised if this was true. Must admit road works does seem to be on the increase which causes a lot of congestion, and its a known fact that the councel will ofter dig up roads so that they can show that they used up all the money given to them by the Government otherwise they will be given less the following year. Hence why road workers take their time doing the road because they are paid on a daily bases. My girlfriends mum works for the Greenwich council and even she confirms this. Look what Top Gear had to do to get a certain road finished, they got involved and realised ity should not take as long as it does. Again IMO the government manipulates th system so that it adds weight to why they want to immpliment new charges. But thats IMO. :)

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