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Keyfob Weirdness?


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Hi all,


I had my zed for nearly three years now and i began to notice the range of the fob was begining to reduce (or so it thought). However, i noticed that the fob would hapilly lock the car but not unlock the car?


I have replaced the battery expecting all to be well. But, the keyfob is the same.


1 Click Lock - Car Locks.

1 Click Unlock - Nothing.


Now after a bit of tinkering I have found that if i double click the unlock button it will unlock the car (only the drivers side). If I double click and then double click again it will unlock both sides.


I think i may be losing my mind but it should only be one click for drivers and another for passenger shouldnt it? Or have i always double clicked but forgotten? Im sure i didnt have to press the button four times to unlock both doors?


So in short everything works well - but i think i have to click more?


Any help would be great.





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Sounds strange to me, so what you're saying you need to double click to unlock drivers then quad click to unlock passenger.


Sounds like an issue with the unlock button on your fob, does your spare do this? If you dont have a spare then i suggest maybe some cleaner around the unlock button as it's either grime or switch wear.


Also Sarnie is correct, you can change if a under normal operation to single click unlocks both.

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There is a guide somewhere (God knows where) on how to re-programme you key.

Follow the guide (it must be in Guides somewhere) and that should solve the problem.


Then you will need to following what Sarnie has said with regards to whether you want one click to unlock both doors or just the drivers door.

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The car is a 54 uk gt. I seem to remember that I cant reprogramme for one click to open both. To be honest i wish i could - the amount of times ive left my girlfreind stood in the rain... In fact thats the only thing she doesnt like about the car - that and the heavy clutch.


@Fodder - yep quad click action is required for both doors to unlock. This is actually using my spare key - i swapped this morning as I couldnt unlock it but it didnt help. I bought two batteries so i will change the 'normal' key too and see if thats ok.


I have found the reprogramme guide so if all else fails I will try to reprogramme one of the keys to see if that helps. Its very odd that its come on all of a sudden - but i think my spare may have already had a low battery - but this doesnt explain why the new battery didnt fix it?


Very strange indeed...

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  • 4 months later...

post '56 cars have the fob that can be reprogrammed to open both doors with one click. '54 is too early a car to be able to do this. JDM cars have donr this since the start of production in '02.



Mine is one of the last prefacelifts (Jan 2006, 55 reg) and is reprogrammable.



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