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Plasti-Dip front bumper lip


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So after buying the can of black plasti-dip about 2 months ago, I finally manned up, stopped using poor weather as an excuse not to do it and did the front bumper.

For people who haven't heard of plasti dip before, its kind of like a liquid rubber in an aerosol, and creates a wrap after several coats.

After the first coat I was seriously panicking; this is after two :ohmy:




this is after four








finished job




and after another half hour to dry fully




Put about 7 coats on in the end, waiting 15-20 mins between them, and the finished effect is like a satin black. Mask off more than you think you need to, as it goes everywhere. Best thing is any overspray can be rubbed off with your finger/nail, or I found that an eraser worked well. Now when i get bored of it I can just peel it off so let me know your opinions of it! :snack:




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Cheers guys. Yeah I got mine from the Bay, about £16. I can't stress enough though that no matter how poor it looks after the first couple of coats, just KEEP GOING!

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  ersen.o said:

might have todo this to my scratched interior handles bits



That's what I'm going to do next. I was going to wrap them but I might spray them just to see how they cope for a few weeks. Can always wrap afterwards.

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  • 6 months later...

Wow this stiff looks ideal to stop the 'looks like the front of my car got shot with a 12 bore' sandblasted look. I'm sure i've seen peope in the good 'olr USofA use it it smarten up wheels that have been kerbbed to within an in i there life and they've come out looking ok. There are quite a few threads on you tube for this product and shows just how versatile it is.

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